Preface, Acknowledgments, and Dedication
Foreword to the Second Edition
Frank Netter, MD: A Personal Recollection
Introduction to the First Edition—Part II
Contributors to Second Edition
Contents of Complete Volume 7—Nervous System: Two Part Set
1. Cranial nerve and neuro-ophthalmologic disorders
Plates 1.1–1.4 Overview of cranial nerves
Plates 1.5–1.7 Cranial nerve I: Olfactory nerve
Plates 1.8–1.12 Cranial nerve II: Optic nerve
Plates 1.13–1.15 Cranial nerves III, IV, and VI (oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens)
Plates 1.16–1.18 Control of eye movements
Plate 1.19 Autonomic innervation of the eye
Plates 1.20–1.25 Cranial nerve V: Trigeminal nerve
Plates 1.26–1.30 Cranial nerve VII: Facial nerve
Plates 1.31–1.32 Taste receptors and pathways
Plates 1.33–1.36 Cranial nerve VIII: Vestibulocochlear nerve
Plate 1.37 Afferent auditory pathways
Plate 1.38 Centrifugal auditory pathways
Plate 1.39 Vestibular receptors
Plate 1.40 Cochlear receptors
Plates 1.41–1.42 Cranial nerve IX: Glossopharyngeal nerve and otic ganglion
Plates 1.43–1.45 Cranial nerve X: Vagus nerve
Plates 1.46–1.47 Cranial nerve XI: Accessory nerve
Plates 1.48–1.50 Cranial nerve XII: Hypoglossal nerve
2. Spinal cord: Anatomy and myelopathies
Plate 2.2 Spinal membranes and nerve roots
Plates 2.3–2.4 Arteries of spinal cord and nerve roots
Plate 2.5 Veins of spinal cord, nerve roots, and vertebrae
Plate 2.6 Principal fiber tracts of spinal cord
Plate 2.7 Somesthetic system of body
Plate 2.8 Corticospinal (pyramidal) system: Motor component
Plate 2.9 Rubrospinal tract
Plate 2.10 Vestibulospinal tracts
Plate 2.11 Reticulospinal and corticoreticular pathways
Plate 2.12 Spinal origin or termination of major descending tracts and ascending pathways
Plate 2.13 Cytoarchitecture of spinal cord gray matter
Plate 2.14 Spinal effector mechanisms
Plate 2.15 Spinal reflex pathways
Plates 2.16–2.18 Spinal cord dysfunction
Plates 2.19–2.20 Acute spinal cord syndromes
Plates 2.21–2.23 Spinal tumors
Plate 2.25 Subacute combined degeneration
Plate 2.26 Spinal dural fistulas and arteriovenous malformations
Plate 2.27 Cervical spondylosis
Plate 2.28 Cervical disk herniation causing cord compression
Plate 2.29 Infectious and hereditary myelopathies
Plate 3.3 Cervical vertebrae
Plate 3.4 External craniocervical ligaments
Plate 3.5 Internal craniocervical ligaments
Plate 3.6 Thoracic vertebrae
Plate 3.7 Lumbar vertebrae and intervertebral disks
Plate 3.8 Sacrum and coccyx
Plate 3.9 Ligaments of sacrum and coccyx
Plate 3.10 Biomechanics of spine and spinal cord injuries: Distractive flexion
Plate 3.11 Biomechanics of spine and spinal cord injuries: Compressive flexion
Plate 3.12 Biomechanics of spine and spinal cord injuries: Distractive extension
Plate 3.13 Cervical spine injury: Prehospital, emergency department, and acute management
Plate 3.14 Traction and bracing
Plate 3.15 Anterior cervical spine decompression and stabilization
Plate 3.16 Posterior cervical stabilization and fusion
Plate 3.17 Spinal cord injury medical issues
4. Nerve roots and plexus disorders
Plate 4.1 Cervical disk herniation
Plate 4.2 Radiographic diagnosis of radiculopathy
Plates 4.3-4.5 Back pain and lumbar disk disease
Plate 4.6 Lumbosacral spinal stenosis
Plate 4.8 Dermal segmentation
Plate 4.9 Thoracic nerves
Plate 4.10 Thoracic spinal nerve root disorders
Plate 4.11 Diabetic lumbosacral radiculoplexus neuropathy
Plate 4.12 Lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal plexuses
Plate 4.13 Brachial plexus
Plate 4.14 Brachial plexus and cervical nerve root injuries at birth
Plate 4.15 Brachial plexopathy
Plate 4.16 Lumbosacral plexopathy
Plate 4.17 Cervical plexus
Plate 5.1 Compression neuropathies
Plate 5.2 Chronic nerve compression
Plates 5.3-5.4 Evaluation of mononeuropathies
Plates 5.5-5.6 Proximal nerves of the upper extremity
Plate 5.8 Proximal median neuropathies
Plates 5.9-5.10 Distal median neuropathies
Plate 5.12 Ulnar mononeuropathies: Potential entrapment sites
Plate 5.14 Radial nerve compression and entrapment neuropathies
Plates 5.15-5.16 Femoral and lateral femoral cutaneous nerves
Plates 5.17-5.18 Sciatic and gluteal nerves
Plates 5.19-5.21 Fibular (peroneal) and tibial nerves
Plates 5.22-5.23 Dermatomal and cutaneous nerve patterns
6. Peripheral neuropathies
Plates 6.1-6.2 Peripheral nerve
Plate 6.3 Cell types of nervous system
Plate 6.4 Resting membrane potential
Plate 6.5 Ion channel mechanics and action potential generation
Plate 6.6 Neurophysiology and peripheral nerve demyelination
Plate 6.7 Impulse propagation
Plate 6.8 Conduction velocity
Plate 6.9 Visceral efferent endings
Plate 6.10 Cutaneous receptors
Plate 6.11 Pacinian corpuscle
Plate 6.12 Muscle and joint receptors
Plate 6.13 Proprioceptive reflex control of muscle tension
Plate 6.14 Charcot-marie-tooth disease overview (hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy)
Plate 6.15 Charcot-marie-tooth disease: Common types
Plate 6.16 Early onset and other rare forms of charcot-marie-tooth disease and inherited neuropathies
Plate 6.17 Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy
Plates 6.18-6.19 Guillain-Barré syndrome
Plate 6.20 Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy
Plate 6.21 Diabetic neuropathies
Plates 6.22-6.23 Monoclonal protein–associated neuropathies
Plates 6.24-6.25 Vasculitic neuropathy and other connective tissue disorders associated with neuropathy
Plate 6.26 Immunopathogenesis of guillain-barré syndrome
Plate 6.27 Peripheral neuropathy caused by heavy metal poisoning
Plate 6.28 Metabolic, toxic, and nutritional peripheral neuropathies
Plate 6.29 Leprosy and other infections sometimes causing peripheral neuropathy
7. Autonomic nervous system and its disorders
Plates 7.1–7.2 General topography of autonomic nervous system
Plate 7.3 Autonomic reflex pathways
Plate 7.4 Cholinergic and adrenergic nerves
Plates 7.5–7.6 Autonomic nerves in head and neck
Plates 7.7–7.8 Autonomic innervation of eye
Plates 7.9–7.10 Autonomic nerves in thorax
Plates 7.11–7.12 Innervation of blood vessels
Plate 7.13 Autonomic nerves and ganglia in abdomen
Plate 7.14 Innervation of stomach and proximal duodenum
Plates 7.15–7.16 Innervation of intestines
Plate 7.17 Enteric plexuses
Plate 7.18 Innervation of liver and biliary tract
Plate 7.19 Innervation of adrenal glands
Plate 7.20 Autonomic nerves and ganglia in pelvis
Plates 7.21–7.22 Innervation of kidneys, ureters, and urinary bladder
Plates 7.23–7.24 Innervation of reproductive organs
Plates 7.25–7.26 Autonomic testing
Plate 7.27 Abnormal pupillary conditions
Plates 7.28–7.29 Clinical presentation of autonomic disorders
Plates 8.1–8.2 Neuroanatomy of the ascending pain pathways
Plates 8.3–8.4 Descending nociceptive pathways and neurochemical foundations of descending pain modulation
Plates 8.5–8.6 Nociceptive processing and central nervous system correlates of pain
Plates 8.7–8.8 Thalamic pain syndrome
Plate 8.9 Complex regional pain
Plate 8.11 Occipital neuralgia
Plates 8.12–8.13 Myofascial factors in low back pain
Plate 8.14 Lumbar zygapophyseal joint back pain
Plate 8.15 Low back pain and effects of lumbar hyperlordosis and flexion on spinal nerves
Plates 8.16–8.17 Examination of the patient with low back pain
Plates 8.18–8.19 Diagnosis of low back, buttock, and hip pain
Plates 8.20–8.21 Painful peripheral neuropathy
Plates 8.22–8.23 Functional neurologic disorders
Plate 9.1 Neonatal hypotonia
Plate 9.2 Congenital myopathies
Plate 9.3 Spinal muscular atrophy
Plate 9.4 Treatment for spinal muscular atrophy
Plate 9.5 Infantile neuromuscular junction disorders
Plate 9.6 Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita
10. Motor neuron and its disorders
Plate 10.1 Peripheral nervous system: Overview
Plate 10.2 Spinal cord and neuronal cell body with motor, sensory, and autonomic components of the peripheral nerve
Plate 10.4 Motor unit potentials
Plate 10.5 Primary motor neuron disease
Plates 10.6–10.10 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Plate 10.11 Spinal muscular atrophy and spinal bulbar muscular atrophy
11. Neuromuscular junction and its disorders
Plates 11.1–11.2 Neuromuscular junction
Plates 11.3–11.4 Synaptic transmission
Plates 11.5–11.6 Repetitive motor nerve stimulation
Plates 11.7–11.8 Myasthenia gravis
Plate 11.9 Immunopathology of myasthenia gravis
Plate 11.10 Presynaptic neuromuscular junction transmission disorders: Lambert-eaton myasthenic syndrome and infantile botulism
Plate 11.11 Congenital myasthenic syndromes
Plate 11.12 Foodborne neurotoxins
12. Muscle and its disorders
Plate 12.1 Muscle fiber anatomy: Basic sarcomere subdivisions
Plate 12.2 Muscle fiber anatomy: Biochemical mechanics of contraction
Plate 12.3 Muscle membrane, T tubules, and sarcoplasmic reticulum
Plate 12.4 Muscle response to nerve stimulation
Plate 12.5 Metabolism of muscle cell
Plate 12.6 Muscle fiber types
Plate 12.7 Overview of myopathies: Clinical approach
Plates 12.8–12.10 Dystrophinopathies
Plates 12.11–12.12 Myotonic dystrophy and other myotonic disorders
Plate 12.13 Other types of muscular dystrophy
Plates 12.14–12.15 Polymyositis and dermatomyositis
Plate 12.16 Inclusion body myositis
Plate 12.17 Immunopathogenesis of inflammatory myopathies
Plate 12.18 Endocrine, toxic, and critical illness myopathies
Plate 12.19 Myopathies: Hypokalemia/hyperkalemia and periodic paralyses channelopathies
Plate 12.20 Metabolic and mitochondrial myopathies
Plate 12.21 Myoglobinuric syndromes including malignant hyperthermia