A paradigm shift in contemporary practice favours the use of less intrusive approaches in abdominal surgeries over open methods. A wide array of advanced laparoscopic techniques is applied in surgeries of the colon and rectum in addition to abdominal operations for hernias. This book serves as an adjunct guide to a structured curriculum of training for colorectal and general surgeons. Designed to provide up-to-date information on the indications, contraindications preoperative preparation, technique, and post-operative complications of specified surgeries, this book is a descriptive surgery textbook on minimally invasive surgery. It gives a uniform structured format of chapters with multiple pictures and illustrations. An easy-to-read book in four sections: 1) Colon and Small bowel, 2) Rectum, 3) Pelvic floor, and 4) Hernias.
This concise book aids surgical trainees and early career colorectal surgeons through their mentored training.
- Gives a uniform format chapters and is well-illustrated
- International authorship offers structured chapter format to aid surgical trainees and early career colorectal surgeons
- Provides up-to-date information on all aspects of minimally invasive surgery for colorectal surgeons