Whilst many people try to make healthy food choices to improve their health, for others the focus on healthy eating can become obsessive and lead to maladaptive eating behaviours and poorer health. Orthorexia nervosa is a preoccupation with the quality of healthy food, where a refusal of certain foods is driven by the desire to be healthy. Orthorexia Nervosa: Current Understanding and Perspectives is the first clinical book that systematically explores this condition. The book contains in-depth information, with chapters highlighting diagnostic criteria, assessment, prevalence, multidimensional characteristics, future directions and treatment. Additional expert commentary delivers valuable insights to further provide readers with a better understanding of this condition. This informative and engaging book is a valuable resource for academics, researchers, health professionals and students interested in eating behaviour. It is an essential read for anyone wanting a better understanding of orthorexia nervosa and its impact on individuals’ health.
- Gain a comprehensive understanding of orthorexia nervosa with this engaging and informative book, which fills a much-needed gap in the literature
- This book uses a holistic approach, drawing on both community-based and clinical samples to provide an insight into orthorexia nervosa by characterising, differentiating, and comparing various aspects of this condition
- Discover new insights into orthorexia nervosa, as this book systematically explores its largely unknown features and characteristics. This knowledge will empower readers to combat the confusion surrounding this phenomenon which has been observed online