Availability: Άμεσα Διαθέσιμο

Law and Ethics for Health Practitioners, 2nd Edition

ISBN: 9780729544252
ISBN: 9780729544252
Διαστάσεις 24 × 19 cm


Ημ. Έκδοσης



Κύριος Συγγραφέας

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Διαθέσιμο - Προπαραγγελία|Διαθεσιμότητα: 11-14 ημέρες


Law and Ethics for Health Practitioners provides clear and succinct information that demystifies legal, ethical and regulatory principles and their implications for clinical practice.

Accessible and easy to follow, the book provides a clear and concise introduction to the Australian legal and health systems, discussion of legal rules and regulations that govern health practice, and a guide to ethical principles, theories and approaches to support health practitioner decision making and practice. It is an essential resource presenting well-researched information in an easy-to-understand way, and practical guidance for health practitioners to apply the concepts discussed to their daily work.

This book is ideal for students undertaking a law and ethics unit in any health or medical course, as well as being an excellent resource for health practitioners practising in areas ranging from medicine to nursing, dentistry, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, podiatry, psychology or any other allied health profession.

Key Features
  • Makes dry legal and ethical content interesting and easy to follow – accessible for all students and health practitioners.
  • Clear and succinct explanations of current laws, ethical principles and theories make learning and application to practice easy.
  • Explores hot topics such as consent, child and elder abuse, end-of-life decision making, management of health information, mental health legislation, negligence, tissue and organ donation, the regulation of drugs and poisons, and more.
  • Provides practical information about working with legal representatives.
  • Applied case examples link theory to clinical practice.
  • Suitable for students and practitioners of a wide variety of health disciplines.
  • Written by an expert in health law with contributions from health practitioners who provide practical insight into issues faced in diverse areas of clinical practice.

New to this edition

  • Fully updated throughout
  • Additional coverage of how the law and ethics interact, ethical theories, decision making, leadership and self-care, now discussed across three chapters
  • Ethical considerations embedded throughout legal chapters where appropriate to further consolidate how the law and ethics may interact
  • New and expanded coverage and guidance to assist health practitioners who must work with legal representatives, and appear in court
  • A new chapter on alternative dispute resolution and tribunals

Instructor resources on Evolve:

  • PowerPoints

Student and Instructor resources on Evolve:

  • MCQs
  • Weblinks
  • Image library


Cover image
Title page
Table of Contents
About the author
    List of Illustrations
    List of Tables
Section 1. Introduction to law for health practitioners
1.  Introduction to the Australian legal system
    Australia as a federation
    Distribution of power between the states and the commonwealth
    The separation of powers
    Types of law
    General features of the Australian legal system
    Alternative dispute resolution
    The court hierarchy
    Skills relevant to understanding judicial decisions and legislation
    Review questions and activities
    Further reading
2.  Introduction to the Australian health system
    The history of Australia’s universal health system
    Access to health care – evolving schemes
    Healthcare expenditure
    The charter of healthcare rights
    Review questions and activities
    Further reading
3.  The regulation of health practitioners
    The national registration and accreditation scheme
    Voluntary notifications
    Codes of conduct
    Disciplinary issues
    Mental or physical incapacity or impairment
    Disciplinary process
    Health practitioners not regulated by the national scheme
    Review questions and activities
    Further reading
Section 2. Introduction to ethics for health practitioners
4.  Introduction to ethics and key ethical frameworks
    What is ethics?
    Codes of ethics
    Distinguishing between ethics and law
    Ethical issues, dilemmas, conflict and challenges
    Frameworks for ethical analysis, reasoning and decision making
    Review questions and activities
    Further reading
5.  Key components of ethical reasoning and decision making
    Reactive versus proactive ethical practice
    Deriving a process for ethical decision making
    Ethical decision making: Early-career versus experienced health practitioners
    Reflective practice
    Review questions and activities
6.  Contemporary ethical issues in health care, collaboration, leadership and self-care
    Contemporary ethical issues in health care
    Ethical leadership
    Review questions and activities
    Further reading
Section 3. Key concepts relevant to health care delivery
7.  Management of health information
    Establishing and maintaining healthcare records
    Computerised records and electronic health
    Privacy and confidentiality of health information
    Collecting health information via a third party
    Access to health information
    Government policy
    Access pursuant to the court process
    Storage and disposal of healthcare records
    Codes of conduct and codes of ethics
    Review questions and activities
    Further reading
8.  Negligence
    Elements of a negligence action
    Wrongful death
    The Australian open disclosure framework and apologies
    Vicarious liability
    Non-delegable duty of care
    Alternative actions
    Review questions and activities
    Further reading
9.  Civil liability for ‘trespass to person’ and ‘defamation’
    Trespass to person
    Ethical health practitioners and matters of consent to or refusal of treatment
    Offer to make amends: Apologies
    Damages and costs
    Limitation periods
    Ethical practice when communicating to and about people
    Review questions and activities
    Further reading
10.  Criminal law and issues related to health care
    What is a crime?
    Sources of criminal law
    Features of the criminal law
    Elements of a crime
    Criminal negligence
    Absolute liability
    Strict liability
    Parties to offences: Accomplices
    Criminal law defences
    Child destruction and feticide
    Additional criminal offences
    Australian health practitioner regulation authority and criminal offences
    Review questions and activities
    Further reading
Section 4. Matters of life and death
11.  Registration of births and deaths and the coroners court
    Notification and registration of births and deaths
    The coroner
    Review questions and activities
    Further reading
12.  Abortion, wrongful birth, wrongful life and prenatal injury
    Claims regarding wrongful birth, wrongful life and prenatal injury
    Review questions and activities
    Further reading
13.  Assisted reproduction and surrogacy
    Regulation and oversight of ART
    Access to ART
    Access to information by donor-conceived people
    Numerical limits for donation
    Posthumous use of gametes
    Review questions and activities
    Further reading
14.  Advance care planning and end of life decision making
    Advance care planning and directives
    Support or substitute decision makers
    Commonwealth legislation
    ‘Not for resuscitation’ or ‘do not resuscitate’ orders
    Ethical considerations
    Review questions and activities
    Further reading
Section 5. Further practice considerations
15.  The removal and donation of human blood, tissue and organs
    Ethical and legal issues
    Review questions and activities
    Further reading
16.  The regulation of drugs and poisons
    Federal regulation
    State and territory regulation
    Complementary medicines
    Storage and destruction of scheduled medicines and poisons
    Record keeping
    Administration of drugs
    Verbal orders
    Supply of drugs without a prescription
    Standing orders
    Medication error
    Ethical practice in relation to drugs and poisons
    Review questions and activities
    Further reading
17.  Mental health law and ethics
    International law and policy
    Australian policies and standards
    State and territory legislation
    Definitions of mental illness
    Admission to hospital and care orders
    Treatment without the patient’s consent
    Seclusion and restraint
    Restricted treatment
    Electroconvulsive therapy
    Ill-treatment and neglect
    Mental health review boards/tribunals
    Ethical practice when caring for people with mental health concerns
    Review questions and activities
    Further reading
18.  Child and elder abuse
    Child abuse
    Elder abuse
    Ethical practice for health practitioners working with children and/or elders
    Review questions and activities
    Further reading
Section 6. Law and ethics in action
19.  Working with legal representatives
    Legal documents
    Discovery (disclosure) and inspection of documents
    Notice of non-party disclosure
    Rules of evidence and the standards of proof
    Sequence of the trial
    Categories of evidence
    Witnesses – professional expertise
    Expert reports
    Justices of the peace
    Review questions and activities
    Further reading
20.  Alternative dispute resolution: Mediation, conciliation and arbitration
    Types of alternative dispute resolution
    Healthcare complaints resolution and ADR
    Ethical practice in relation to ADR processes in Australia
    Review questions and activities
    Further reading
21.  Case studies: Guided application of legal and ethical principles
    Case studies
    Review questions and activities
    Further reading