Using an innovative and unique approach to physical assessment Clinical Pathways: An Occupational Therapy Assessment for Range of Motion & Manual Muscle Strength, 2nd Edition, helps readers learn how to proficiently conduct range of motion (ROM) and manual muscle (MMT) assessments for the main joint structures of the body. This fully revised 2nd edition emphasizes clinical application, connecting physical assessment with an OT-focused, clinical decision-making process. New and updated content, new companion videos, and robust online resources for both students and instructors make this text an essential resource for OT and OTA education and practice.
- Employs a client-centered, “clinical pathways” approach to assessment that links assessment and measurement to daily occupations and environment.
- Uses a unique, OT-focused decision-making framework to walk readers through the evaluation and intervention process.
- Contains new coverage of central/peripheral nerves.
- Presents information in an easy-to-follow, consistent manner: learning objectives, description of anatomical structures (joint and musculoskeletal attachment sites), palpation of specific landmarks, functional movement patterns, ROM and MMT assessment that includes vibrant muscular images with photography, and Test Your Skill Set (sample case studies).
- Includes student-friendly features such as color coding for fast navigation, new videos, and additional case studies and self-assessment questions.
- Features numerous instructor resources, including an interactive test bank, case studies, an image bank, PowerPoint presentations, and new Test Your Skill Set class activities.