This book on Rehabilitation in Diabetes Peripheral Neuropathy offers an update on the recent advancement in assessment methods and comprehensive rehabilitation. The book comprises ten chapters with different titles, ranging from medical knowledge of Diabetes Peripheral Neuropathy and its improvement in the assessment methods to the importance and role of non-pharmacological interventions to improve the quality of life in such patients. The role of nutrition, orthotics, and the incite into diabetic foot will be the additional topics in the book. By reading this book, the reader will be confident in assessing and managing this chronic complication of diabetes mellitus in a more informative and elaborative manner and will contribute towards preventing the development of the diabetic foot, followed by ulcers in later stages and amputation. This book will enhance the clinical practice of practitioners in dealing with DPN.
- Discusses systematic approach towards assessing and planning rehabilitation protocols in patients with DPN
- Helpful for the practitioners to deal with DPN patients more confidently and equipped
- First of its kind includes all the possible phases of Diabetes Peripheral Neuropathy