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Seating and Wheeled Mobility. A Clinical Resource Guide 2nd Edition

SKU: 9781638221432
ISBN: 9781638221432
Διαστάσεις 28 × 21 cm


Ημ. Έκδοσης



Κύριος Συγγραφέας


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Fully updated and expanded in its second edition, Seating and Wheeled Mobility: A Clinical Resource Guide presents clinical assessment considerations when working with a person with a mobility disability.

The book provides a wide spectrum of information, from foundational information for those practitioners who are new to the field, to in-depth, population-specific information for practitioners who perhaps have not worked with a particular population in the past.

The book is divided into sections, each section addressing a different area of clinical practice in wheelchair seating and mobility.

    • The first section is an in-depth presentation of the assessment process and pressure management. The range of available seating supports is presented as part of the product selection process, including matching the person’s needs with available technology.
    • The second section focuses on 24-hour postural care. Three types of sitters are presented: hands-free, hands-dependent, and prop sitters. Included is the most current method to measure and describe the seated person and related support surfaces needed when recommending a device.
    • The third section lays the foundation for clinical decision making around the selection and fit of the most appropriate wheeled mobility device – manual/power wheelchair or scooter.
    • The fourth section provides in-depth clinical applications for each mobility category. On-time mobility for the very young, power seating, and mobility skills training are addressed.
    • The fifth section provides population specific clinical application of position, pressure management, and mobility for the pediatric, geriatric, and bariatric populations, as well as persons with both degenerative and complex neuromuscular impairments.
    • The sixth section presents additional considerations when working with persons who are aging with a disability, considerations of the environment of use, safe transport of a wheelchair, and the application of wheelchair standards in the clinic.
    • Finally, measuring outcomes throughout the service provision process and a look at the past, present, and future of complex rehab technology is included.

Richly illustrated throughout, this book has been carefully designed to support occupational and physical therapists, suppliers/distributors, and funders/payers who are interested in wheelchair seating and mobility assessment and applications.



Michelle L. Lange and Jean L. Minkel

Section I Postural Support and Pressure Management: Foundational Information

1 Seating and Mobility Evaluations for Persons with Long-Term Disabilities: Focusing on the Client Assessment

Jean L. Minkel

2 Pressure Management for the Seated Client

Jo-Anne Chisholm and Joanne Yip

3 Seating System Categories and Clinical Indicators

Barbara Crume and Jessica Presperin Pedersen

Section II Postural Support and Pressure Management Clinical Applications

4 24-7 Postural Care Management

Guðný Jónsdóttir and Patricia Toole

5 Postural Support and Pressure Management Considerations for Hands-Free Sitters

Kendra Betz

6 Postural Support and Pressure Management Considerations for Hands-Dependent Sitters

Deborah L. Pucci

7 Postural Support and Pressure Management Considerations for Prop Sitters

Jill Sparacio

8 General Positioning Strategies and Seating Interventions by Body Location

Lindsay Alford and Cheryl Hon

9 Standardized Measures of the Person, Seating System, and Wheelchair

Kelly Waugh and Barbara A. Crane

Section III Wheeled Mobility: Foundational Information

10 The Mobility Algorithm: Clinical Decision-Making for a Mobility Device

Cathy H. Carver

11 Manual (Self-Initiated) Mobility Categories and Clinical Indicators

Mary Shea-Stifel

12 Power Mobility Categories and Clinical Indicators

Michael Babinec and Becky Breaux, MS, OTR/L, ATP

13 Dependent Mobility Categories and Clinical Indicators

Sheila N. R. Buck and Stefanie Sukstorf Laurence

Section IV Wheeled Mobility: Clinical Applications

14 Optimally Configuring Manual Wheelchairs for Self-Propulsion

Lauren E. Rosen

15 Power Assist Devices and Other Alternative Drive Mechanisms for Manual Wheelchairs

Carla Nooijen, Theresa Berner, and Carmen DiGiovine

16 Power Mobility Assessment: Determining Readiness and Providing ON Time Mobility

Heather A. Feldner, Andrina Sabet, and Samuel W. Logan

17 Power Seat Functions: Putting Evidence into Practice

Ginger Walls

18 Power Mobility: Optimizing Driving

Amy Morgan and Faith Saftler Savage

19 Power Mobility: Driving Methods

Michelle L. Lange

20 Power Mobility: Advanced Features and Applications

Jill Baldessari, Leah Barid, and Michelle L. Lange

21 Training Manual and Power Wheelchair Mobility and Maintenance Skills

Ronald Lee Kirby and Lynn Worobey

Section V Putting It Together: Specialty Applications

22 Considerations When Working with the Pediatric Population

Lisa K. Kenyon

23 Considerations When Working with the Geriatric Population

Christie Hamstra and Deborah A. Jones

24 Considerations When Working with the Bariatric Population

Stephanie Tanguay

25 Considerations When Working with Degenerative Neurological Conditions

John “Jay” Doherty

26 Considerations When Working with Complex Neurological and Orthopedic Presentations

Melissa Tally and Elizabeth McCarty

Section VI Related Content

27 Considerations When Working with a Person Who Is Aging with a Disability

Susan Johnson Taylor, Bonita Sawatzky, and Linda Bennet

28 Environmental Assessment

Cindi Petito

29 Wheelchairs and Transportation

Miriam A. Manary

30 What Are Standards for Wheelchairs and Wheelchair Seating?

Kay Ellen Koch, Kara Kopplin, and Anita Perr

31 Documentation of the Seating and Mobility Assessment

Julie Piriano

32 Measuring Seating and Wheeled Mobility Outcomes

Emma M. Smith and Paula W. Rushton

33 Complex Rehab Technology in North America – Past, Present, and Future Perspectives

Tom Borcherding