This book is an anthology of important articles that have influenced partner surgeons in a colorectal surgical practice. Following the citations of these articles, there is a formal critique by one individual partner, then the remaining partners add their perspective presented in the form of a conversation. The contributions will be constructed as a discussion but will also include references to additional contemporary articles pertaining to the topic at hand. At times, the conversation will result in complete agreement, but there are other times where there could be differences, which could be anticipated given the individual background, age and time in practice of each surgeon. Highlighted throughout are situations where the practice has changed for the better, as well as other situations that remain open for discussion. The breadth of colorectal surgery as a specialty is covered, including anorectal surgery, abdominal surgery, both open and minimally invasive, inclusive of both benign and malignant disease.
- A collated anthology of landmark articles in colorectal surgery
- Novel format with formal article critiques and conversations among surgical partners
- Individual commentary and perspectives from practicing expert surgeons in the field