Concepts regarding cardiac development.- Cardiogenic mesoderm.- Primitive cardiac tube formation.- Evolution of the cardiac tube.- Atria and interatrial septum formation.- Atrioventricular junction.- Ventricles and interventricular septum formation.- Formation of the coronary vessels.- Formation of the heart valvular apparatus.- Formation of the heart fibrous skeleton.- Formation of the excitoconductor tissue.- Formation of the autonomous innervations.- Formation of the great vessels located at the base of the heart.- Formation of the pericardium.- The anatomy of heart .- The definition of the heart.- Extrinsic relations.- Heart projections.- Position and location.- External configuration.- The right atrium- internal aspect; variability; description of morphological cavitary landmarks.- The left atrium- internal aspect; variability; description of morphological cavitary landmarks.- Topography and internal aspect of the right ventricle; variability; description of morphological cavitary landmarks; the right aspect of the interventricular septum; the membranous septum; the valvular apparatus; ventricular pulmonary junction.- Topography and internal aspect of the left ventricle; variability; description of morphological cavitary landmarks; the left aspect of the interventricular septum; the valvular apparatus; the aortic root.- The myocardial infrastructure.- Microscopic structure: the cardiomyocyte; description; structural pattern; optical and electronic microscopy.- Extra cellular matrix – definition, components, description; collagen organization of the matrix, hystochemical types.- Macroscopical structure of the myocardium – highlighting through dissection of the wall architecture, clinical implications and discussions.- Overall view of the coronary vascular system.- Right coronary artery – origin, course, relations, branches, variability.- Left coronary artery – origin, course, relations, branches, variability.- The excitoconductor system – localization, course, relations, internodal connections, dorso-sinusal space, cavo-tricuspidian istmus, variability.- The fibrous skeleton of the heart – components, localization, description, variability.- The vegetative innervation of the heart – description, nervous plexuses, intramural ganglions.- Anatomic-clinical considerations related to the cardiac pain.- Pericardium – description, projections.