UNIT 1. Supporting the Patient Through the Health Care System
1. Clinical judgment in nursing practice
Clinical judgment in nursing practice
Critical thinking evolving case study
Critical thinking competencies
Levels of critical thinking
Components of critical thinking in the clinical judgment model
Evaluation of clinical judgments
✦ Clinical judgment and next-generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
2. Communication and collaboration
✦ SKILL 2.1 Establishing the nurse-patient relationship
✦ SKILL 2.2 Communicating with patients who have difficulty coping
✦ SKILL 2.3 Communicating with a cognitively impaired patient
♦ SKILL 2.4 Communicating with colleagues
✦ SKILL 2.5 Workplace violence and safety
✦ Clinical judgment and next-generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
3. Admitting, transfer, and discharge
✦ Clinical judgment and next-generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
4. Documentation and informatics
Legal guidelines in documentation
Guidelines for high-quality documentation
Common electronic health record data screens
Incident or adverse event occurrence reports
Long-term health care documentation
✦ Clinical judgment and next-generation NCLEX® examination-style questions
UNIT 1 Supporting the Patient Through the Health Care System: Next-Generation NCLEX® (NGN)–Style Unfolding Case Study
UNIT 2. Vital Signs and Physical Assessment
✦ SKILL 5.1 Measuring body temperature
✦ SKILL 5.2 Assessing radial pulse
✦ SKILL 5.3 Assessing apical pulse
✦ SKILL 5.4 Assessing respirations
✦ SKILL 5.5 Assessing arterial blood pressure
✦ Clinical judgment and next-generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
Preparation for assessment
Physical assessment of various age-groups
✦ SKILL 6.1 General survey
✦ SKILL 6.2 Head and neck assessment
✦ SKILL 6.3 Thorax and lung assessment
✦ SKILL 6.4 Cardiovascular assessment
✦ SKILL 6.5 Abdominal assessment
✦ SKILL 6.6 Genitalia and rectum assessment
✦ SKILL 6.7 Musculoskeletal and neurological assessment
✦ Clinical judgment and next generation NCLEX® examination-style questions
UNIT 2 Vital Signs and Physical Assessment: Next-Generation NCLEX® (NGN)–Style Unfolding Case Study
UNIT 3. Special Procedures
✦ SKILL 7.1 Urine specimen collection: Midstream (clean-voided) urine; sterile urinary catheter
✦ SKILL 7.2 Measuring occult blood in stool
✦ SKILL 7.3 Measuring occult blood in gastric secretions (gastroccult)
✦ SKILL 7.4 Collecting nose and throat specimens for culture
✦ SKILL 7.5 Obtaining vaginal or urethral discharge specimens
✦ SKILL 7.6 Collecting a sputum specimen by suction
✦ SKILL 7.7 Obtaining wound drainage specimens
✦ SKILL 7.8 Collecting blood specimens and culture by venipuncture (syringe and vacutainer method)
✦ SKILL 7.9 Blood glucose monitoring
✦ SKILL 7.10 Obtaining an arterial specimen for blood gas measurement
✦ Clinical judgment and next-generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
✦ SKILL 8.1 Intravenous moderate sedation
✦ SKILL 8.2 Contrast media studies: Arteriogram (angiogram), cardiac catheterization, and intravenous pyelogram
✦ SKILL 8.3 Care of patients undergoing aspirations: Bone marrow aspiration/biopsy, lumbar puncture, paracentesis, and thoracentesis
✦ SKILL 8.4 Care of a patient undergoing bronchoscopy
✦ SKILL 8.5 Care of a patient undergoing endoscopy
✦ Clinical judgment and next generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
UNIT 3 Special Procedures: Next-Generation NCLEX® (NGN)–Style Unfolding Case Study
UNIT 4. Infection Control
✦ SKILL 9.2 Caring for patients under isolation precautions
✦ Clinical judgment and next generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
✦ SKILL 10.1 Applying and removing cap, mask, and protective eyewear
✦ SKILL 10.2 Preparing a sterile field
✦ SKILL 10.3 Sterile gloving
✦ Clinical judgment and next generation NCLEX® examination−style questions
UNIT 4 Infection Control: Next-Generation NCLEX® (NGN)–Style Unfolding Case Study
UNIT 5. Activity and Mobility
11. Safe patient handling and mobility
✦ SKILL 11.1 Using safe and effective transfer techniques
✦ SKILL 11.2 Moving and positioning patients in bed
✦ Clinical judgment and next-generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
12. Exercise, mobility, and immobilization devices
✦ SKILL 12.1 Promoting early activity and exercise
✦ SKILL 12.2 Assisting with use of canes, walkers, and crutches
✦ SKILL 12.3 Care of a patient with an immobilization device
✦ Clinical judgment and next generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
13. Support surfaces and special beds
✦ SKILL 13.1 Care of the patient on a support surface
✦ SKILL 13.2 Care of the patient on a special bed
✦ Clinical judgment and next-generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
UNIT 5 Activity and Mobility: Next-Generation NCLEX® (NGN)–Style Unfolding Case Study
UNIT 6. Safety and Comfort
✦ SKILL 14.1 Fall prevention in health care settings
✦ SKILL 14.2 Designing a restraint-free environment
✦ SKILL 14.3 Applying physical restraints
✦ SKILL 14.4 Seizure precautions
✦ Clinical judgment and next-generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
15. Disaster preparedness
✦ SKILL 15.1 Care of a patient after biological exposure
✦ SKILL 15.2 Care of a patient after chemical exposure
✦ SKILL 15.3 Care of a patient after radiation exposure
✦ SKILL 15.4 Care of a patient after a natural disaster
✦ Clinical judgment and next generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
✦ SKILL 16.1 Pain assessment and basic comfort measures
✦ SKILL 16.2 Nonpharmacological pain management
✦ SKILL 16.3 Pharmacological pain management
✦ SKILL 16.4 Patient-controlled analgesia
✦ SKILL 16.5 Epidural analgesia
✦ SKILL 16.6 Local anesthetic infusion pump for analgesia
✦ SKILL 16.7 Moist and dry heat applications
✦ SKILL 16.8 Cold application
✦ Clinical judgment and next-generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
✦ SKILL 17.1 Supporting patients and families in grief
✦ SKILL 17.2 Symptom management at the end of life
✦ SKILL 17.3 Care of the body after death
✦ Clinical judgment and next generation NCLEX® examination−style questions
UNIT 6 Safety and Comfort: Next-Generation NCLEX® (NGN)–Style Unfolding Case Study
18. Personal hygiene and bed making
✦ SKILL 18.1 Complete or partial bed bath
✦ SKILL 18.2 Oral hygiene
✦ SKILL 18.3 Performing mouth care for an unconscious or debilitated patient
✦ SKILL 18.4 Performing nail and foot care
✦ Clinical judgment and next generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
19. Care of the eye and ear
✦ SKILL 19.1 Eye irrigation
✦ SKILL 19.2 Ear irrigation
✦ SKILL 19.3 Care of hearing aids
✦ Clinical judgment and next generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
UNIT 7 Hygiene: Next-Generation NCLEX® (NGN)–Style Unfolding Case Study
20. Safe medication preparation
Reporting medication errors
Patient and family caregiver teaching
✦ Clinical judgment and next-generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
21. Nonparenteral medications
✦ SKILL 21.1 Administering oral medications
✦ SKILL 21.2 Administering medications through a feeding tube
✦ SKILL 21.3 Applying topical medications to the skin
✦ SKILL 21.4 Administering ophthalmic medications
✦ SKILL 21.5 Administering ear medications
✦ SKILL 21.6 Administering nasal instillations
✦ SKILL 21.7 Using metered-dose inhalers (MDIs)
✦ SKILL 21.8 Using small-volume nebulizers
✦ Clinical judgment and next generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
22. Parenteral medications
✦ SKILL 22.1 Preparing injections: Ampules and vials
✦ SKILL 22.2 Administering intradermal injections
✦ SKILL 22.3 Administering subcutaneous injections
✦ SKILL 22.4 Administering intramuscular injections
✦ SKILL 22.5 Administering medications by intravenous push
✦ SKILL 22.6 Administering intravenous medications by piggyback and syringe pumps
✦ SKILL 22.7 Administering medications by continuous subcutaneous infusion
✦ Clinical judgment and next-generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
UNIT 8 Medication Administration: Next-Generation NCLEX® (NGN)–Style Unfolding Case Study
✦ SKILL 23.1 Applying an oxygen-delivery device
✦ SKILL 23.2 Administering oxygen therapy to a patient with an artificial airway
✦ SKILL 23.3 Using incentive spirometry
✦ SKILL 23.4 Care of a patient receiving noninvasive positive pressure ventilation
✦ SKILL 23.5 Care of a patient on a mechanical ventilator
✦ Clinical judgment and next-generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
✦ SKILL 24.1 Performing oropharyngeal suctioning
✦ SKILL 24.2 Suctioning: Open for nasotracheal/pharyngeal and artificial airways
✦ SKILL 24.3 Performing endotracheal tube care
✦ SKILL 24.4 Performing tracheostomy care
✦ Clinical judgment and next generation NCLEX® examination−style questions
✦ SKILL 25.1 Obtaining a 12-lead electrocardiogram
✦ SKILL 25.2 Applying a cardiac monitor
✦ Clinical judgment and next-generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
26. Closed chest drainage systems
✦ SKILL 26.1 Managing closed chest drainage systems
✦ SKILL 26.2 Assisting with removal of chest tubes
✦ SKILL 26.3 Autotransfusion of chest tube drainage
✦ Clinical judgment and next-generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
27. Emergency measures for life support
✦ SKILL 27.1 Inserting an oropharyngeal airway
✦ SKILL 27.2 Using an automated external defibrillator
✦ SKILL 27.3 Resuscitation management
✦ Clinical judgment and next generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
UNIT 9 Oxygenation: Next-Generation NCLEX® (NGN)–Style Unfolding Case Study
28. Intravenous and vascular access therapy
✦ SKILL 28.1 Insertion of a peripheral intravenous device
✦ SKILL 28.2 Regulating intravenous flow rates
✦ SKILL 28.3 Changing intravenous solutions
✦ SKILL 28.4 Changing infusion tubing
✦ SKILL 28.5 Changing a peripheral intravenous dressing
✦ SKILL 28.6 Managing central vascular access devices
✦ Clinical judgment and next-generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
✦ SKILL 29.1 Initiating blood therapy
✦ SKILL 29.2 Monitoring for adverse transfusion reactions
✦ Clinical judgment and next-generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
UNIT 10 Fluid Balance: Next-Generation NCLEX® (NGN)–Style Unfolding Case Study
✦ SKILL 30.1 Performing a nutrition screening
✦ SKILL 30.2 Assisting an adult patient with oral nutrition
✦ SKILL 30.3 Aspiration precautions
✦ Clinical judgment and next-generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
✦ SKILL 31.1 Insertion and removal of a small-bore feeding tube
✦ SKILL 31.2 Verifying placement of a feeding tube
✦ SKILL 31.3 Irrigating a feeding tube
✦ SKILL 31.4 Administering enteral nutrition: Nasogastric, nasointestinal, gastrostomy, or jejunostomy tube
✦ Clinical judgment and next-generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
✦ SKILL 32.1 Administering central parenteral nutrition
✦ SKILL 32.2 Administering peripheral parenteral nutrition with lipid (fat) emulsion
✦ Clinical judgment and next-generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
UNIT 11 Nutrition: Next-Generation NCLEX® (NGN)–Style Unfolding Case Study
✦ SKILL 33.1 Insertion of a straight or an indwelling urinary catheter
✦ SKILL 33.2 Care and removal of an indwelling catheter
✦ SKILL 33.3 Performing catheter irrigation
✦ SKILL 33.4 Applying an incontinence device
✦ SKILL 33.5 Suprapubic catheter care
✦ Clinical judgment and next-generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
34. Bowel elimination and gastric intubation
✦ SKILL 34.1 Administering an enema
✦ SKILL 34.2 Insertion, maintenance, and removal of a nasogastric tube for gastric decompression
✦ Clinical judgment and next-generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
✦ SKILL 35.1 Pouching a colostomy or an ileostomy
✦ SKILL 35.2 Pouching a urostomy
✦ SKILL 35.3 Catheterizing a urinary diversion
✦ Clinical judgment and next-generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
UNIT 12 Elimination: Next-Generation NCLEX® (NGN)–Style Unfolding Case Study
UNIT 13. Care of the Surgical Patient
36. Preoperative and postoperative care
✦ SKILL 36.1 Preoperative assessment
✦ SKILL 36.2 Preoperative teaching
✦ SKILL 36.3 Patient preparation for surgery
✦ SKILL 36.4 Providing immediate anesthesia recovery in the postanesthesia care unit
✦ SKILL 36.5 Providing early postoperative (phase II) and convalescent phase (phase III) recovery
✦ Clinical judgment and next generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
✦ SKILL 37.1 Surgical hand antisepsis
✦ SKILL 37.2 Donning a sterile gown and closed gloving
✦ Clinical judgment and next generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
UNIT 13 Care of the Surgical Patient: Next-Generation NCLEX® (NGN)–Style Unfolding Case Study
UNIT 14. Dressings and Wound Care
38. Wound care and irrigation
✦ SKILL 38.1 Performing a wound irrigation
✦ SKILL 38.2 Removing sutures and staples
✦ SKILL 38.3 Managing wound drainage evacuation
✦ SKILL 38.4 Negative-pressure wound therapy
✦ Clinical judgment and next generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
39. Pressure injury prevention and care
✦ SKILL 39.1 Risk assessment, skin assessment, and prevention strategies
✦ SKILL 39.2 Treatment of pressure injuries
✦ Clinical judgment and next-generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
40. Dressings, bandages, and binders
✦ SKILL 40.1 Applying a dressing (dry and moist dressings)
✦ SKILL 40.2 Applying a pressure bandage
✦ SKILL 40.3 Applying a transparent dressing
✦ SKILL 40.4 Applying a hydrocolloid, hydrogel, foam, or alginate dressing
✦ Clinical judgment and next generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
UNIT 14 Dressings and Wound Care: Next-Generation NCLEX® (NGN)–Style Unfolding Case Study
✦ SKILL 41.1 Home environment assessment and safety
✦ SKILL 41.2 Adapting the home setting for clients with cognitive deficits
✦ SKILL 41.3 Medication and medical device safety
✦ Clinical judgment and next-generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
✦ SKILL 42.1 Teaching clients to measure body temperature
✦ SKILL 42.2 Teaching blood pressure and pulse measurement
✦ SKILL 42.3 Teaching intermittent self-catheterization
✦ SKILL 42.4 Using home oxygen equipment
✦ SKILL 42.5 Teaching home tracheostomy care and suctioning
✦ SKILL 42.6 Teaching medication self-administration
✦ SKILL 42.7 Managing feeding tubes in the home
✦ SKILL 42.8 Managing parenteral nutrition in the home
✦ Clinical judgment and next-generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
UNIT 15 Home Care: Next-Generation NCLEX® (NGN)–Style Unfolding Case Study
Answers to clinical judgment and next generation NCLEX® examination–style questions
Answers to next generation NCLEX® (NGN)–style unfolding case studies
Index of skills and procedural guidelines