More common than was previously believed, body-focused repetitive behaviors (BFRBs) affect as many as 1 in 20 people. Written by the experts who created and developed the ComB Model, it provides a practical and user-friendly manual for therapists on an effective, individualized treatment approach for BFRBs. It features the most up-to-date information on BRFBs and guides clinicians from conceptualization of the problem through all aspects of clinical treatment. The internal and external influences for hair-pulling and skin-picking disorders are addressed thoroughly and from a functional analytical perspective. A valuable case example illustrates exactly how specific concepts and techniques are implemented in therapy. Chapters cover preparing the client for treatment, encouraging healthy approaches to hair/skin care, preventing relapse, dealing with co-morbidities, trouble-shooting impediments to therapy and modifying treatment for children, adolescents, and their families. This book is the best single resource available for mental health professionals for conceptualizing and treating BFRBs.
- Integrating research and clinical practice, this guide is based upon empirically supported principles and research to guide conceptualization and treatment interventions for body-focused repetitive behaviors (BFRBs) so that treatment is informed directly by the functional analysis
- A case example followed throughout the guide illustrates the key aspects of treatment and highlights the ComB Model in a step-by-step and user-friendly fashion, emphasizing the context, tone and language used in communicating with clients
- Describes concepts in detail and providing sample dialogue to show how the concepts are presented in therapy, allowing readers to follow a case that demonstrates each stage of therapy, including troubleshooting and effectively managing setbacks