With the number of patients living with congenital heart disease steadily increasing, relevant training in anesthesia care for these patients is becoming ever more important. Written by experts in the field, this highly illustrated book succinctly reviews the pathophysiology of congenital cardiac lesions along with important anesthetic implications for each. Case scenarios cover patients of wide-ranging ages, with a focus on care in non-cardiac operating room settings, including the general operating room, cardiac catheterization laboratory and radiology. Divided into sections corresponding to the anatomic classification of each cardiac lesion, the book includes keywords for easy cross-referencing. Several lesions have multiple scenarios presented in order to allow readers to learn how to discern more critically ill patients. The stepwise approach to understanding complex lesions provides a readily accessible guide for all anesthesia providers who care for patients with congenital heart disease. The book is also a useful tool for intraoperative teaching.
- Each chapter is divided into pathophysiology and anesthetic implications allowing the reader to easily process understanding the cardiac lesion and then build on that knowledge by discussing the ways in which this affects anesthetic management
- Key clinical concepts are highlighted by clinical pearls and the addition of multiple colour illustrations of cardiac lesions allows for understanding of complex blood flow patterns
- Focuses on the clinical considerations for different types of surgical, endoscopic and imaging procedures, providing key information about how each procedure may impact anesthetic management and illustrating how decision-making changes depending on the nature of the procedure being performed