Integrative Sport and Exercise Nutrition: A Practitioner’s Perspective defines health as an underpinning requirement for active pursuit and sporting performance. By focusing on the empowerment of practitioners who support such individuals, this new text represents a powerful dissemination of academic and experiential knowledge in a thoroughly applied context. The prevailing paradigm that has existed within the academic enquiry of sports nutrition has been that macronutrients are required as ‘fuel’ for exercise endeavours. This notion provides a basis of quantitative nutritional support, but what happens when our active individual lacks adequate digestive health to assimilate these fuels, and in the process creates an inflammatory tone in the body? What happens when our aspiring athlete is genetically not suited to the diet that is prescribed by the sports nutritionist, which is based merely on the energetic needs of his/her sport? The key objective of Integrative Sport and Exercise Nutrition: is to teach sport, exercise and nutrition professionals, academics and students to embrace the complexity and individuality of an exercising person. This approach will add to, but may also contrast with, the reductionist macronutrient approach taken in this field to date. Within the context of heavy training loads, often alongside significant life stresses, practitioners trained in this way can support the robust health and performance of active individuals in a personalised way. By bringing together a diverse blend of writers and editors, from both academia and applied clinical practice, this cutting edge book aims to bridge the gap between accepted quantitative ‘norms’ and the applied integrative practice of talented practitioners who support unique beings with sport and exercise goals.