Preface to the fourth edition
Preface to the third edition
Preface to the second edition
Preface to the first edition
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Radiation
1.2 Atomic Structure
1.3 Nuclear Transformations
1.4 Nuclear Stability
1.5 Ionizing Radiation
1.6 A Biological Threat?
1.7 Natural and Anthropogenic Radiation
1.8 The Chart of the Nuclides
Chapter 2 The Mathematics of Radioactive Decay
2.1 Atomic Masses and Average Atomic Masses
2.2 The Nature of Decay
2.3 Specific Activity
2.4 Dating
2.5 Branched Decay
2.6 Equilibria
2.7 Statistics
Chapter 3 Energy and the Nucleus
3.1 Binding Energy
3.2 Total Energy of Decay
3.3 Decay Diagrams
3.4 Mass as Energy
Chapter 4 Applications of Nuclear Science I: Power and Weapons
4.1 Nuclear Power
4.2 Nuclear Weapons
4.3 Nuclear Forensics
Chapter 5 Radioactive Decay: The Gory Details
5.1 Alpha Decay
5.2 Beta Decay
5.3 Positron Decay
5.4 Electron Capture
5.5 Multiple Decay Modes
5.6 The Valley of Beta Stability
5.7 Isomeric Transitions
5.8 Other Decay Modes
Chapter 6 Nuclear Structure
6.1 Nuclear Shape and Size
6.2 The Semi-Empirical Mass Equation
6.3 The Shell Model
6.4 Applications of the Shell Model
Chapter 7 Interactions of Ionizing Radiation with Matter
7.1 Ionizing Radiation
7.2 Charged Particles
7.3 Photons
7.4 Attenuation of Gamma and X-Radiation
Chapter 8 Detection of Ionizing Radiation
8.1 Gas-Filled Detectors
8.2 Scintillation Detectors
8.3 Other Detectors
8.4 Gamma Spectroscopy
Chapter 9 Applications of Nuclear Science II: Medicine and Food
9.1 Radiology
9.2 Radiation Therapy
9.3 Food Irradiation
9.4 Nuclear Medicine
Chapter 10 Nuclear Reactions
10.1 Energetics
10.2 Cross Section
10.3 Yield
10.4 Accelerators
10.5 Cosmogenic Nuclides
Chapter 11 Fission and Fusion
11.1 Spontaneous Fission
11.2 Neutron-Induced Fission
11.3 Fusion
11.4 Stellar Nucleosynthesis
11.5 Synthesis of Unknown Elements
Chapter 12 Applications of Nuclear Science III: More About Nuclear Reactors
12.1 Reactions in Reactors
12.2 Other Reactor Types
12.3 Reactor Safety Systems
12.4 Nuclear Power Plant Accidents
12.5 Fusion Reactors
Chapter 13 Radiation Protection
13.1 Terms
13.2 Regulations and Recommendations
13.3 Risk
Chapter 14 X-ray Production
14.1 Conventional X-ray Beams
14.2 High-Energy X-ray Beams
Chapter 15 Dosimetry of Radiation Fields
15.1 Percentage Depth Dose
15.2 Tissue Air Ratio
15.3 Tissue Maximum Ratio
15.4 Isodose Curves
15.5 Moving Fields
15.6 Proton and Electron Beam Dosimetry
Appendix A: Nuclide Data
Appendix B: Table of Chi-Squared
Appendix C: Useful Constants, Conversion Factors and Formulas
Appendix D: Periodic Table of the Elements