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Language and Communication Disorders in Children

ISBN: 9780205584611

Ημ. Έκδοσης





Κύριος Συγγραφέας

Original price was: 100,00€.Η τρέχουσα τιμή είναι: 92,00€.(Περιλαμβάνεται ΦΠΑ 6%)

Άμεσα Διαθέσιμο


A comprehensive yet highly readable text containing theory and practical applications, Language and Communication Disorders in Children, Sixth Edition, offers readers a rewarding experience in learning how to provide language intervention to communicatively disordered children.

The sixth edition of this best-selling introduction to language disorders text has been substantially revised to bring about the most current information in the dynamic areas of speech-language pathology and special education. It keenly focuses on the ways in which children learn language and how to help those who struggle with it, and on the area of language to explain different kinds of developmental disabilities in children. The text has been thoroughly updated, revised, and reorganized providing the most current information about the dynamic areas of speech-language pathology and special education.

The sixth edition exhibits reorganized and updated chapters: Language Impairments in Preschool Populations (Chapter 4); Nature & Scope of Language-Learning Disabilities: Characteristics, Frameworks and Connections (Chapter 5); Making Sense of Language Learning Disabilities: Assessment and Support for Academic Success (Chapter 11); The Changing Role of the SLP (Chapter 9). Key topics include: Applying theories of child development, speech and hearing science, and language development and disorders to the study of childrens language and communication disorders; Evidence based assessment strategies, including curriculum-based assessment and response to intervention (RTI), as well as dynamic assessment and integrated intervention; Formal and informal methods of assessment for infants and toddlers; Use of AAC with very young children; Increased emphasis on adolescent language; Discussion of the relationship between oral and written language; “Best Practices” in early language intervention with an emphasis on collaborative and family-centered approaches; and Information on legislative influences on the delivery of services to infants, toddlers, preschool, and school-aged populations.


PART I: The Nature of Language & Language Development

Chapter 1: The Nature of Language and Language Development

Chapter 2: Language and Communication Development: An Overview

PART II: Language Disorders Across Populations

Chapter 3: Early Communication Disorders

Chapter 4: Specific Language Impairment & Language Disorders in Pre-Schoolers

Chapter 5: Language & Learning Disabilities in School Age Children

Chapter 6: Mental Retardation: Difference or Delay

Chapter 7: ASD. Learning to Communicate

Chapter 8: Considerations & Implications for Habilitation of HI Children

PART III: Language Assessment & Intervention

Chapter 9: The Role of the SLP

Chapter 10: Planning Language Intervention for Young Children

Chapter 11: Assessment and Intervention Guidelines for School Age Children with Language Learning Disabilities

Chapter 12: Language Disorders in Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Children