OSCESteps: A Step-By-Step Guide to Passing Your Finals is a concise yet comprehensive revision guide to the different therapy areas medical students need to know. Covering both procedures and examinations, the book provides an efficient, all-in-one format which combines a mark scheme and a reference book—including summaries of key information, theories, assessments and basic clinical skills.
Each section utilises a checklist scoring system and contains colour illustrations and photographs, flowcharts, line drawings, clinical images and visual examples of basic protocols and procedures. The book covers all essential OCSE topics, including emergency medicine, prescribing, basic life support, abdominal and respiratory exams, blood culture and more.
- Provides quick reference to basic clinical protocols and procedures
- Summarises how to carry out skills such as venepuncture, nasogastric tube insertion, urinary catheterisation and simple suturing
- Covers surgical scrubbing and gowning
- Contains information on postoperative patient assessment and common complications
- Includes case scenarios and practical examples throughout
OSCESteps: A Step-By-Step Guide to Passing Your Finals is perfect for medical students in need of a one-stop revision tool, and for junior doctors looking for a quick reference to the skills they need whilst on the wards.