Part 1: Preoperative Evaluation
Ch. 1: Preoperative Evaluation of the Cosmetic Patient
Jemshed A. Khan
Ch. 2: Evaluation of the Cosmetic Patient
Rona Z. Silkiss
Ch. 3: Preoperative Patient Counseling for Cosmetic Blepharoplasty
William P. Chen
Part 2: Anesthesia
Ch. 4: Cosmetic Oculofacial Pearls to Live By
Kenneth D. Steinsapir
Ch. 5: Guide to Local Anesthetic Medications
Vivian Schiedler
Bryan S. Sires
Ch. 6: Motor Nerve Blocks in Oculofacial Surgery
Vivian Schiedler
Bryan S. Sires
Ch. 7: Regional Nerve Blocks in Oculofacial Surgery
Vivian Schiedler
Bryan S. Sires
Ch. 8: Procedural Sedation in Oculofacial Surgery
Vivian Schiedler
Bryan S. Sires
Ch. 9: Preoperative Preparation and Anesthesia in Blepharoplasty
William P. Chen
Ch. 10: “Digital Diffusion” Technique for the Administration of Local Anesthetic in Eyelid Surgery
Rona Z. Silkiss
Ch. 11: Anesthesia for In-Office Oculoplastic Surgery: How We Do It
Brent R. Moody
John B. Holds
Ch. 12: Pain Reduction Using Vibration in Aesthetic injections and in eye and facial plastic surgery
Sonya Jairaj Wexler
Allan E. Wulc
Ch. 13: Tips for Safer, More Effective, and More Comfortable Periocular Anesthetic Injections and Sedation
John Robert Burroughs
Part 3: Upper Lid Blepharoplasty
Section 1: Preoperative Evaluation
Ch. 14: Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty: The Evaluation
Evan H. Black
Ryan T. Scruggs
John D. Siddens
Frank A. Nesi
Geoffrey J. Gladstone
Ch. 15: Preoperative Examination Checklist for Upper Blepharoplasty
Philip L. Custer
Ch. 16: Preoperative Evaluation and Documentation in Upper Blepharoplasty
Cat Nguyen Burkat
Ch. 17: Ten Tips to Avoid the Perils, Pitfalls and Complications of Cosmetic Blepharoplasty
William P. Mack
Section 2: Incision Planning
Ch. 18: Marking Strategies for Upper Blepharoplasty
Guy G. Massry
Ch. 19: Orbit Size and Lid Marking in Upper Blepharoplasty
Philip L. Custer
Ch. 20: Incisional Guidelines When Marking the Skin in Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty
Sheri L. DeMartelaere
Todd R. Shepler
Sean M. Blaydon
Russell W. Neuhaus
John W. Shore
Ch. 21: Marking the Proposed Upper Eyelid Crease: Determining the Safe Amount of Skin Removal—The Pinch Technique
Jemshed A. Khan
Ch. 22: Preoperative Measurements in Upper Blepharoplasty: Patient Selection
Jemshed A. Khan
Ch. 23: Keys to Success When Marking the Skin in Upper Blepharoplasty
John Robert Burroughs
Richard L. Anderson
Ch. 24: Skin Marking in Upper Blepharoplasty—Avoiding Pitfalls
Cat Nguyen Burkat
Section 3: Upper Blepharoplasty Procedure Pearls
Ch. 25: A simple method for more efficient blepharoplasty surgery
Morris E. Hartstein
Isam Amar
Ch. 26: Upper Blepharoplasty: Pearls for the Procedure
Evan H. Black
Ryan T. Scruggs
John D. Siddens
Frank A. Nesi
Geoffrey J. Gladstone
Ch. 27: Blepharoplasty Pearls: General Tips
John Robert Burroughs
Ch. 28: Fat Excision in Upper Blepharoplasty
Sheri L. DeMartelaere
Todd R. Shepler
Sean M. Blaydon
Russell W. Neuhaus
John W. Shore
Ch. 29: Mobilizing and Excising the Nasal Fat Pad in Upper Blepharoplasty
Jemshed A. Khan
Ch. 30: The Sigmoid Upper Lid Blepharoplasty
John P. Fezza
Ch. 31: Tissue Removal Considerations in Blepharoplasty Surgery
Rona Z. Silkiss
Ch. 32: Fewer Hematomas in Upper Blepharoplasty
Martin H. Devoto
Ch. 33: Blepharoplasty Incisional Modalities: 4.0 Radiowave Surgery vs. CO2 Laser
Joseph Niamtu, III
Ch. 34: Doing Safe Upper Blepharoplasty Surgery: When Less is Better
John Robert Burroughs
Ch. 35: Upper Blepharoplasty Pearls
Morris E. Hartstein
Ch. 36: Fat Preservation and Other Tips for Upper Blepharoplasty
Cat Nguyen Burkat
Ch. 37: Upper Eyelid Fat Repositioning
Donald B. Yoo
Guy G. Massry
Ch. 38: Asian Blepharoplasty
Samuel M. Lam
Ch. 39: Upper Lid Blepharoplasty in the Asian Patient
Cat Nguyen Burkat
Pimkwan Jaru-ampornpan
Ch. 40: Recognizing the Differences in Asian Eyelid Anatomy
Cat Nguyen Burkat
Pimkwan Jaru-ampornpan
Section 4: Adjunctive Procedures in Upper Blepharoplasty
Ch. 41: Transblepharoplasty Internal Brow Elevation with Corrugator Removal
John Robert Burroughs
Richard L. Anderson
Ch. 42: Transblepharoplasty Incision Lower Eyelid Canthoplasty
John Robert Burroughs
Richard L. Anderson
John D. McCann
Section 5: Wound Closure and Postoperative Care
Ch. 43: Avoiding Dog Ears During Upper Blepharoplasty Closure
Peter S. Levin
Ch. 44: Crease Formation in Upper Blepharoplasty
Philip L. Custer
Ch. 45: Use of Dermabond Tissue Adhesive for Oculoplastic Incision Closure
Charles B. Slonim
Ch. 46: Reducing Postoperative Swelling
John Robert Burroughs
Richard L. Anderson
Ch. 47: Management of Postblepharoplasty Dry Eye
Morris E. Hartstein
Ch. 48: Bump Thermoplasty for Small Benign Eyelid Lesions and Wound Artifacts
John Robert Burroughs
Richard L. Anderson
John D. McCann
M. Reza Vagefi
Ch. 49: Scar Management
John Robert Burroughs
Reagan Anderson
Part 4: Lower Lid Blepharoplasty
Section 1: Preoperative Considerations
Ch. 50: Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty: The Evaluation
John D. Siddens
Ch. 51: Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty Evaluation: Avoid the Cookie Cutter Approach
Sheri L. DeMartelaere
Todd R. Shepler
Sean M. Blaydon
Russell W. Neuhaus
John W. Shore
Section 2: Lower Blepharoplasty Procedure Pearls
Ch. 52: Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty: Procedure Pearls and Pitfalls
John D. Siddens
Ch. 53: Lower Lid Blepharoplasty: Transcutaneous verses transconjunctival approach
Raf Ghabrial
Ch. 54: Incising the Septum over the Nasal, Central, and Lateral Fat Pads in Lower Blepharoplasty
Jemshed A. Khan
Ch. 55: Prolapsing the Inferior Fat Pads and Fornix in Lower Blepharoplasty
Jemshed A. Khan
Ch. 56: Identifying the Inferior Oblique in Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty
Jemshed A. Khan
Ch. 57: The ”GRED (Globe Retropulsion and Eyelid Depression)” Maneuver to Access Post-septal Fat in Transconjunctival Lower Blepharoplasty
Donald B. Yoo
Garrett Griffin
Guy G. Massry
Ch. 58: Achieving Symmetry in Lower Blepharoplasty Fat Removal
Jemshed A. Khan
Ch. 59: The Treatment of Festoons in Lower Blepharoplasty
Sheri L. DeMartelaere
Todd R. Shepler
Sean M. Blaydon
Russell W. Neuhaus
John W. Shore
Ch. 60: Step by step treatment of post blepharoplasty chemosis
Martin H. Devoto
Francesco P. Bernardini
Altug Cetinkaya
Ch. 61: Chemosis: Avoidance and Management Tips
John Robert Burroughs
Ch. 62: Making Lower Eyelid Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty Easier, Safer, and More Comfortable
John Robert Burroughs
Ch. 63: Management of Severe Postoperative Bleeding with Hemostatic Matrix
John Robert Burroughs
Section 3: Repositioning in Lower Blepharoplasty
Ch. 64: Fat Repositioning in Lower Blepharoplasty: Less Is More
Sheri L. DeMartelaere
Todd R. Shepler
Sean M. Blaydon
Russell W. Neuhaus
John W. Shore
Ch. 65: Fat Repositioning in Lower Blepharoplasty: Does the Plane of Fat Transposition Affect The Outcome?
Donald B. Yoo
Guy G. Massry
Ch. 66: Transconjunctival Lower Lid Blepharoplasty with and Without Fat Repositioning
Garrett R. Griffin
Guy G. Massry
Paul S. Nassif
Ch. 67: Fat Pedicle Isolation During Transconjucntival Lower Blepharoplasty With Fat Repositioning: “The Inverse Shoe Shine Sign”
Guy G. Massry
Ch. 68: Transconjunctival Pre-periosteal Fat Repositioning Blepharoplasty
John B. Holds
Yasaman Mohadjer
Ch. 69: Lower Lid Blepharoplasty with Fat Repositioning Using a Foam Bolster
Eric A. Steele
Roger A. Dailey
Ch. 70: Use of Tisseel in Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty with Fat Repositioning
Asa D. Morton, III
Ch. 71: Lower Blepharoplasty with Non-Suture Fat Repositioning
John Robert Burroughs
Richard L. Anderson
John D. McCann
Ch. 72: The Bustier Lower Lid Blepharoplasty
John P. Fezza
Ch. 73: Lower blepharoplasty: Lift and Fill
Morris E. Hartstein
Guy G. Massry
Section 4: Management of Postblepharoplasty Lid Retraction
Ch. 74: Managing Postblepharoplasty Lower Eyelid Malposition
Michael T. Yen
Ch. 75: Retroauricular Dermal Spacer Graft for Lower Lid Retraction Repair
Francesco P. Bernardini
Ch. 76: Mid-Lower Eyelid Tarsoconjunctival Flap-Skin Graft: Treatment of Cicatricial Lower Lid Retraction
John Pak
Ch. 77: Treatment of Postblepharoplasty Lower Eyelid Retraction with Dermis Fat Spacer Grafting
Bobby S. Korn
Don O. Kikkawa
Ch. 78: Lateral Canthal Webs
Guy G. Massry
Ch. 79: True Lower Eyelid Retractor Recession as an Adjunct to Lower Lid Recession Surgery
Donald B. Yoo
Guy G. Massry
Part 5: Forehead Rejuvenation
Section 1: Preoperative Considerations
Ch. 80: Which Browlift to Do?
Andrea Nowotny Hass
Ch. 81: Browlifting: Patient Evaluation
Andrea Nowotny Hass
Ch. 82: Preoperative Botox for Endoscopic Browlifting
Andrea Nowotny Hass
Ch. 83: Forehead and Eyebrow Anatomy and its Continuity with the Eyelid
Guy G. Massry
Section 2: Endoscopic Forehead Rejuvenation
Ch. 84: Five Tips for Endoscopic Browlift
Sheri L. DeMartelaere
Todd R. Shepler
Sean M. Blaydon
Russell W. Neuhaus
John W. Shore
Ch. 85: Anesthesia Options in Endoscopic Forehead Lifting
Andrew S. Eiseman
Ch. 86: Endoscopic Forehead Rejuvenation: How to Set Up the Operating Room and Trouble Shooting
Asa D. Morton, III
Ch. 87: Endoscopic Forehead Rejuvenation: Equipment and Setup
Asa D. Morton, III
Ch. 88: Incision Technique for Endoscopic Forehead Elevation
Andrew S. Eiseman
Ch. 89: Endoscopic Forehead Elevation: Patient Marking and Preparation
Geva Mannor
Ch. 90: Endoscopic Midforehead Techniques: Improved Outcomes with Decreased Operative Time and Cost
Asa D. Morton, III
Ch. 91: Fifteen Principles of Enhanced Success in Endoscopic Browlift
Guy G. Massry
Ch. 92: Dissection of Central Forehead and Temporal Pocket with Periosteal Release
Don O. Kikkawa
Ch. 93: Endoscopic Forehead Lifting: Dealing with the Central Brow Depressors
Asa D. Morton, III
Ch. 94: Elevation and Fixation of the Lateral Brow and Canthus
Robert G. Fante
Ch. 95: Fixation Methods in Endoscopic Browlifting
Andrea Nowotny Hass
Ch. 96: Endoscopic Browlift with Deep Temporal Fixation Only
Garrett R. Griffin
Paul S. Nassif
Ch. 97: Tridimensional Brow, Glabella, and Temple Enhancement with Micro Fat Injection During Endoscopic Forehead Rejuvenation
Oscar M. Ramirez
Umran Ileri
Ch. 98: Scalp Fixation in Endoscopic Browlift
Robert G. Fante
Ch. 99: Closing and Dressing the Wounds in Endoscopic Browlift
Robert G. Fante
Ch. 100: Endoscopic Forehead Rejuvenation: Avoiding and Managing Complications
Asa D. Morton, III
Section 3: Nonendoscopic Browlifting
Ch. 101: The Direct Browlift: Focus on the Tail
John B. Holds
Ch. 102: Soft Tissue Augmentation of the Temporal Brow in Browlifting Surgery
David E.E. Holck
Jill Foster
Manuel A. Lopez
Kevin A. Kalwerisky
Ch. 103: In-Office Brow and Forehead Lifting By A Quick Multi-Incision Trichophytic Approach
John Robert Burroughs
Ch. 104: Temporal Subcutaneous Brow Lift
Morris E. Hartstein
Isam Amar
Ch. 105: The external browpexy: A minimally invasive brow lifting or stabilization procedure
Guy G. Massry
Part 6: Mid-Face Lift
Ch. 106: Mid-Face Lift: General Considerations and How I Do It
Guy G. Massry
Ch. 107: Ten Rules for Mid-Face Lifting for the Repair of Lid Retraction
Morris E. Hartstein
Guy G. Massry
Ch. 108: The Subperiosteal Mid-Face Lift Using Bioabsorbable Implants for Fixation
David E.E. Holck
Jill Foster
Kevin A. Kalwerisky
Manuel A. Lopez
Ch. 109: Cheeklifting Pearls
Clinton D. McCord, Jr.
Ch. 110: Preperiosteal Midface Lift Through Transtemporal Approach
Allan E. Wulc
Dallas R. Buchanan
Ch. 111: Maintaining Lateral Wound and Canthal Regularity in External Midface Lifts
Jeremiah P. Tao
Guy G. Massry
Ch. 112: Cheek Implants
Joseph Niamtu, III
Part 7: Botox
Ch. 113: Introduction to Botulinum Toxin
John Robert Burroughs
Richard L. Anderson
Ch. 114: Evaluating Potential Patients for Neurotoxin
Samuel M. Lam
Ch. 115: Neurotoxin: General Principles of Treatment
Samuel M. Lam
Ch. 116: Botox: Where It Works Best
Jemshed A. Khan
Ch. 117: Preparation of Botox
Jemshed A. Khan
Ch. 118: Documentation of Treatment: Botox
Jemshed A. Khan
Ch. 119: Botulinum Toxin Injection Technique
John Robert Burroughs
Richard L. Anderson
Ch. 120: Cosmetic Botulinum Toxin Applications: General Considerations and Dosing
John Robert Burroughs
Richard L. Anderson
Ch. 121: Botulinum Toxin: Avoiding Pitfalls
John Robert Burroughs
Richard L. Anderson
Ch. 122: Botox Injection Techniques: Minimizing Bruising and Discomfort
Jemshed A. Khan
Ch. 123: Botulinum Toxin Injections Pearls
Rona Z. Silkiss
Ch. 124: Botox Complications
Jemshed A. Khan
Ch. 125: Glabella Treatment with Neurotoxin
Samuel M. Lam
Ch. 126: Corrugator and Procerus Rhytid Treatment with Botox
Jemshed A. Khan
Ch. 127: Frontalis Injection with Botox
Jemshed A. Khan
Ch. 128: Frontalis Treatment with Neurotoxin
Samuel M. Lam
Ch. 129: Shaping of the Eyebrows with Botulinum Toxin Type A (BoNT-A)
Deanne Mraz Robinson
David F. Horne
Thomas E. Rohrer
Ch. 130: Botox Injection Techniques: Crows Feet
Jemshed A. Khan
Ch. 131: Orbicularis Oculi Treatment with Neurotoxin
Samuel M. Lam
Ch. 132: Perioral Botox Injections
Jemshed A. Khan
Ch. 133: Botulinum Toxin Type A Cosmetic: How to Achieve Precise and Predictable Results
José Raúl Montes
Ch. 134: Botox Injection to the Lacrimal Gland for the Treatment of Epiphora
R. Jeffrey Hofmann
Ch. 135: Botox Therapy for Hyperhydrosis: How I Do It
Charles B. Slonim
Ch. 136: Other Uses of Botulinum Toxins
John Robert Burroughs
Richard L. Anderson
John D. McCann
Ch. 137: Botox for Axillary Hyperhydrosis
R. Jeffrey Hofmann
Ch. 138: Use of Incobotulinum toxin A (Xeomin) for cosmetic facial rejuvenation
Steven M. Couch
Ch. 139: Management of Benign Essential Blepharospasm
Julie A. Woodward
Veena Rao
Part 8: Fillers
Ch. 140: Optimizing Outcome from Facial Cosmetic Injections and Promoting Realistic Expectations
Leslie Baumann
Ch. 141: Pearls and Pitfalls of Injectable Facial Fillers
Nicholas A. Ramey
Cat Nguyen Burkat
Ch. 142: Table of Fillers
Brad T. Kovach
Ch. 143: Dermal Filler Pearls: The Hyaluronic Acids
John Robert Burroughs
Richard L. Anderson
John D. McCann
Ch. 144: Radiesse> Pearls: General Tips for Safer, More Comfortable, and Better Results
John Robert Burroughs
Richard L. Anderson
Ch. 145: Belotero Pearls
Morris E. Hartstein
Ch. 146: Hyaluronic Acid Pearls: Fine and Superficial Lines
John Robert Burroughs
Richard L. Anderson
Ch. 147: Achieving Beautiful Lip Augmentation
Kimberly J. Butterwick
Ch. 148: Restylane Injection for the Lower Eyelid Tear Trough
R. Jeffrey Hofmann
Ch. 149: Liquid Injectable Silicone for the Upper Third of the Face
Derek H. Jones
Ch. 150: Periocular Injectables with Hyaluronic Acid and Polymethyl Methacrylate using microcannulas
Samuel M. Lam
Ch. 151: Novel Uses for Hydroxylapatite (Radiesse>) Filler: Beyond the Facial Folds
John Robert Burroughs
Richard L. Anderson
John D. McCann
Ch. 152: Pearls and Pitfalls of Botox and Filler Substances in the Upper Third of the Face
Seth L. Matarasso
Ch. 153: Lower Eyelid Rejuvenation: A Pictorial Management Guide
John Robert Burroughs
Richard L. Anderson
Ch. 154: Upper Eyelid Volumization with Hyaluronic Acid
Robert A. Glasgold
Mark J. Glasgold
David J. Gerth
Ch. 155: Correcting the upper eyelid hollow with filler
Morris E. Hartstein
Ch. 156: Pearls for Periorbital Fat Transfer
Lisa M. Donofrio
Ch. 157: Volumetric Rejuvenation of the Tear Trough with fat transfer to Ristows space
Morris E. Hartstein
Ch. 158: Complementary Fat Grafting in the Periorbital Region
Samuel M. Lam
Mark J. Glasgold
Robert A. Glasgold
Ch. 159: Autogenous Orbicularis and Fat as a Filler
John Robert Burroughs
Michael T. Yen
Richard L. Anderson
John D. McCann
Part 9: Skin Rejuvenation
Section 1: Skin Care
Ch. 160: Skin Care 101: The Basics
Diane S. Berson
Ch. 161: Retinoids for the Cosmetic Patient
Kenneth R. Beer
Jacob I. Beer
Ch. 162: Evaluation of Skin Lesions in the Cosmetic Patient Made Simple: Actinic Keratosis
Brent R. Moody
Section 2: Nonablative Therapy
Ch. 163: Chemical Peels for Facial Rejuvenation
Andrew J. Kaufman
Ch. 164: Nonablative Laser and Light Facial Rejuvenation
Jeffrey Steven Dover
Section 3: Ablative Therapy
Ch. 165: Ablative resurfacing-general considerations
Morris E. Hartstein
Ch. 166: CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing Prophylaxis
Jemshed A. Khan
Ch. 167: CO2 Laser Resurfacing Immediate Postoperative Care Prior to Complete Epithelialization
Jemshed A. Khan
Ch. 168: Products Used in CO2 Laser Resurfacing Wound Care: Late Postoperative Care After Complete Epithelialization
Jemshed A. Khan
Ch. 169: Ablative Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing
E. Jason Sabet-Peyman
Julie A. Woodward
Ch. 170: Fractionated CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing
John B. Holds
Ch. 171: Monopolar Radiofrequency Tissue Tightening
Elizabeth F. Rostan
Ch. 172: Dual-Mode Erbium-YAG Laser Skin Resurfacing
John B. Holds
Ch. 173: Fraxel Treatment
Howard Conn
Part 10: Other Cosmetic Procedures
Ch. 174: Repair of the Torn Earlobe
Yoash R. Enzer
Ch. 175: Upper Lip Lift: a Powerful Rejuvenative Procedure
Oscar M. Ramirez
Umran Ileri
Ch. 176: Ten Tips for a Reliable and Predictable Deep Plane Facial Rhytidectomy
David E.E. Holck
Jill A. Foster
Kevin A. Kalwerisky
O. Bailey Robertson
Ch. 177: Facelifting in the Full Neck
John P. Fezza
Ch. 178: Assessment and Treatment of the Aging Jaw Line
John P. Fezza
Ch. 179: Masseteric Facial Anastomosis for Dynamic Lower Eyelid Reanimation in Facial Paralysis
Garrett R. Griffin
Babak Azizzadeh
Part 11: Functional Lid Malpositions
Section 1: Ptosis- Anterior Approach
Ch. 180: Advantages of Sequential Versus Simultaneous Bilateral Levator Advancement Surgery
Herbert J. Glatt
Ch. 181: Considerations in Simultaneous vs. Sequential Bilateral Levator Repair
Robert A. Mazzoli
Ch. 182: Ten Steps to Making External Levator Ptosis Surgery More Predictable
Russell S. Gonnering
Ch. 183: Adjustable Suture Technique for Levator Surgery
Morris E. Hartstein
John J. Woog
Ch. 184: Tarsal Switch Levator Resection for the Treatment of Myopathic Blepharoptosis
Sheri L. DeMartelaere
Todd R. Shepler
Sean M. Blaydon
Russell W. Neuhaus
John W. Shore
Ch. 185: Modified Levator Advancement Ptosis Technique
Rona Z. Silkiss
Ch. 186: Minimally Invasive Ptosis Repair