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Scott-Brown’s Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Eighth Edition 3 volume set

3 volume set

SKU: 9781444175899
ISBN: 9781444175899

Ημ. Έκδοσης




Κύριος Συγγραφέας

Original price was: 700,00€.Η τρέχουσα τιμή είναι: 644,00€.(Περιλαμβάνεται ΦΠΑ 6%)

3 volume set

Διαθέσιμο - Προπαραγγελία|Διαθεσιμότητα: 23-28 ημέρες


Accompanied by a fully searchable electronic edition, making it more accessible, containing the same content as the print edition, with operative videos and references linked to Medline

Highly illustrated in colour throughout to aid understanding

Updated by an international team of editors and contributors

Evidence-based guidelines will help you in your clinical practice

Features include: key points, best clinical practice guidelines, details of the search strategies used to prepare the material and suggestions for future research

New Endocrine section


Scott-Browns Otorhinolaryngology is used the world over as the definitive reference for trainee ENT surgeons, audiologists and trainee head and neck surgeons, as well as specialists who need detailed, reliable and authoritative information on all aspects of ear, nose and throat disease and treatment.

Key points:

  • accompanied by a fully searchable electronic edition, making it more accessible, containing the same content as the print edition, with operative videos and references linked to Medline
  • highly illustrated in colour throughout to aid understanding
  • updated by an international team of editors and contributors
  • evidence-based guidelines will help you in your clinical practice
  • features include key points, best clinical practice guidelines, details of the search strategies used to prepare the material and suggestions for future research
  • new Endocrine section.Scott-Brown will provide trainee surgeons (ENT and Head and Neck), audiologists and ENT physicians with quick access to relevant information about clinical conditions, and provide them with a starting point for further research. The accompanying electronic edition, enhanced with operative videos, will enable both easy reference and accessibility on the move.


Volume 1. Basic Science. CELL BIOLOGY. Molecular Biology .
Genetics in Otology and Neurotology. Gene Therapy. Mechanisms of
Anticancer Drugs. Radiotherapy. Apoptosis and Cell Death. Stem Cells.
Aetiology and Pathogenesis of Goitre. Genetics of Endocrine. WOUND HEALING. Soft and Hard Tissue Repair. Skin Flap Physiology. Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering and their Application. IMMUNOLOGY. Defence
Mechanisms. Allergy: Basic Mechanisms and Tests. Evaluation of the
Immune System. Evaluation of the Immune System. HPV Molecular Biology.
Rheumatological Diseases. MICROBIOLOGY. Microorganisms. Viruses and Antiviral Agents. Fungal Infections. Antimicrobial Therapy. HIV and Otolaryngology. HAEMATOLOGY. Blood
Groups, Blood Components and Alternatives to Blood Transfusion.
Haemato-Oncology. Haemostasis: Normal Physiology, Disorders of
Haemostasis and Thrombosis. PHARMACOTHERAPEUTICS. Drug Therapy in Otology. Drug Therapy in Rhinology. Drug Therapy in Laryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. PERIOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT. Preparation
of the Patient for Surgery. Recognition and Management of the Difficult
Airway. Adult Anaesthesia. Adult Critical Care. Paediatric Intensive
Care. SAFE AND EFFECTIVE PRACTICE. Training and Accreditation and
Maintenance of Skills. Communication and the Medical Consultation.
Clinical Governance Improving the Quality of Patient Care. Medical
Ethics. Medical Jurisprudence in Otorhinolaryngology. Non-Technical
Skills for Surgeons. INTERPRETATION AND MANAGEMENT OF DATA. Epidemiology. Outcomes Research. Evidence-Based Medicine. Critical Appraisal Skills. RECENT ADVANCES IN TECHNOLOGY. Electrophysiology
and Monitoring. Optical Coherence Tomography. Positron Emission
Tomography and Integrated PET/CT. Image Guided Surgery, 3D Planning and
Reconstruction. Interventional techniques. Laser Principles in
Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery. Contact Endoscopy. Endocrine Surgery. OVERVIEW. History
of Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery. Developmental Anatomy of the
Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands. Developmental Anatomy of the Pituitary
Gland. Physiology of the Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands. Physiology of
the Pituitary Gland. Imaging in Head and Neck Endocrine Disease. Thyroid
Cytology and Histopathology of Head and Neck Endocrine Disease. THYROID DISEASE. Clinical
Evaluation of the Thyroid Patient. Investigation of Thyroid Disease.
Benign Thyroid Disease. Management of Differentiated Thyroid Cancer.
Management of Medullary Thyroid Cancer. Management of Anaplastic Thyroid
Cancer/Lymphoma. Management of Recurrent and Metastatic Disease.
Adjuvant Treatments in Thyroid Cancer. THYROID SURGERY. Thyroidectomy.
Surgery for Locally Advanced and Nodal Disease. Minimally Invasive and
Robotic Thyroid Surgery. Management of the Enlarged Thyroid. PARATHYROID DISEASE. Clinical
Evaluation of Hypercalcaemia. Investigation of Hyperparathyroidism.
Management of Hyperparathyroidism. Management of Persistent and
Recurrent Hyperparathyroidism. Management of Parathyroid Cancer.
Bilateral Neck Exploration. PARATHYROID SURGERY. Minimally Invasive Parathyroidectomy. Surgical Failure and Reoperative Surgery. THYROID AND PARATHYROID OUTCOMES. Complications
of Thyroid/Parathyroid Surgery and how to avoid them. Thyroid and
Parathyroid Surgery: Audit and Outcomes. Medicolegal Aspects of Head and
Neck Endocrine Surgery. PITUITARY DISEASE. Clinical Evaluation
of the Pituitary Patient. Investigation of Pituitary Disease. Primary
Pituitary Disease. Recurrent Pituitary Disease. Adjuvant Treatment of
Pituitary Disease. Rhinology. Anatomy of Nose, Paranasal Sinuses
and Skull Base. Outpatient Assessment. Physiology of the Nose and
Paranasal Sinuses. Measurement of the Nasal Airway. Allergic Rhinitis.
Non Allergic Rhinitis. Occupational Rhinitis. Rhinosinusitis. Nasal
Polyposis. Fungal Rhinosinusitis. Medical Management of Rhinosinusitis.
Surgical Management of Rhinosinusitis. The Frontal Sinus. Mucocoeles.
Complications of Rhinosinusitis. Relationship of Upper and Lower
Respiratory Tract. Nasal Septum and Nasal Valve. Nasal Septal
Perforation. The Management of the Enlarged Turbinate. Epistaxis. Nasal
and Facial Fractures. CSF Rhinorrhoea. Granulomatous Conditions of the
Nose. Olfaction. Disorders of the Orbit. Diagnosis and Management of
Facial Pain. Juvenile Angiofibroma. Endoscopic Management of Sinonasal
Tumours. Management of Pituitary and Parasellar Diseases. Extended
Anterior Skull Base Approaches. Radiolological Imaging in Rhinology and
Skull Base Surgery.


Volume 2. Paediatrics. Introduction to Paediatric
Otorhinolaryngology. The Paediatric Consultation. Recognition and
Management of the Sick Child. Anaesthesia for Paediatric
Otorhinolarynglolgy Procedures. The Child with Special Needs. The Child
with a Syndrome. Management of the Immunodeficient Child. Hearing
Screening and Surveillance. Hearing Tests in Children. Investigation
Management of Deaf Child. Congenital Middle Ear Abnormalities. Otitis
Media with Effusion. Acute Otitis Media. Chronic Otitis Media. Microtia
and External Ear Abnormalities . Speech and Language Development. Cleft
Lip and Palate. Craniofacial Anomalies. Vertigo in Children. Facial
Paralysis in Children. Epistaxis. Neonatal Nasal Obstruction.
Rhinosinusitis and its Complications. Lacrimal Disorders in Children.
The Adenoid and Adenoidectomy. Paediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnoea.
Stridor. Acute Laryngeal Infections. Congenital Disorders of Larynx,
Trachea and Bronchi. Acquired Laryngotracheal Stenosis. Juvenile-Onset
Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis. Paediatric Voice Disorders.
Foreign Bodies in the Ear, Nose and Throat. Tracheostomy and Home Care.
Peri-Natal Airway Management. Cervicofacial Infections. Diseases of
Tonsils, Tonsillectomy and Tonsillotomy. Salivary Glands. Tumours of
Head and Neck. Cysts and Sinuses of Head and Neck. Haemangioma and
Vascular Malformations. Drooling and Aspiration. Reflux and Eosinophilic
Oesophagitis. Oesophageal Disorders in Children. Ear and Skull Base. AUDIO-VESTIBULAR MEDICINE. Anat
and Embryol EXT + Middle Ear. The Anatomy of the Cochlea and Vestibular
System: Relating Ultrastructure to Function. Physiology of Hearing.
Physiology of Equilibrium. Perception of Sounds. Psychoacoustic
Audiometry. Evoked Measurement of Auditory Sensitivity. Prevention of
Hearing Loss. Hearing Aids. Beyond Hearing Aids: an Overview of Adult
Audiological Rehabilitation. Age-Related Sensorineural Hearing
Impairment . Noise Induced Hearing Loss and Related Conditions.
Autosomal Dominant Nonsydromic SNHL. Ototoxicity. Idiopathic Sudden
Sensorineural Hearing Loss. Tinnitus and Hyperacusis. Evaluation of
Balance. Ménières Disease. Benign Paroxysmanl Positional Vertigo. Sup
Semi Circular Canal Dehiscence. Vestibular Neuritis. Migrainous Vertigo.
Vestibular Rehabilitation. Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder and
Retrocochlear Disorders in Adults and Children. Understanding Tinnitus: A
Psychological Perspective. Auditory Processing Disorders Across the Age
Span. Psychiatric Aspects of Vestibular Disorders. OTOLOGY. Clinical
Examination of Ears and Hearing. Furunculosis. Myringitis. Keratosis
Obturans, Primary Auditory Canal Cholesteatoma and Benign Necrotizing
Otitis Externa. Acquired Atresia of the External Ear. Otitis Externa and
Otomycosis. Periochondritis of External Ear. Exostosis of the External
Auditory Canal. Osteoradionecrosis of Temporal Bone. Acute Otitis Media
in Adults. Chronic Otitis Media. Myringoplasty. Ossiculoplasty.
Eustachian Tube Dysfunction. Otoendoscopy. Tuberculosis of Temporal
Bone. Otosclerosis. Otological Effects of Pagets Disease. Ear Trauma.
Otalgia. IMPLANTATION OTOLOGY. Bone Conduction Hearing Aids. Cochlear Implants. Middle Ear Implants. Auditory Brainstem Implant. SKULL BASE. Radiology
of the Temporal Bone. Anatomy of the Lateral Skull Base. Evaluation of
the Skull Base Patient. Vascular Assessment and Management. Natural
History of Vestibular Schwannoma. Surgical Management of Vestibular
Schwannoma. Gamma Knife. Patient with Neurofibromatosis 2.
Non-Vestibular Schwannoma Tumours of the Cerebellopontine Angle. Middle
Fossa Surgery. Jugular Foramen Lesions and their Management. Petrous
Apex Lesions. Approaches to Nasopharynx and Eustachian Tube. Tumours of
the Temporal Bone. Clinical Neuroanatomy. The Facial Nerve and its
Non-Neoplastic Disorders. Tumours of the Facial Nerve. Osteitis of the
Temporal Bone. Squamous Carcinoma of the Temporal Bone. Complications of
Skull Base Surgery.


Volume 3. Head and Neck Surgery. History. Aetiology of
Head and Neck Cancer. Epidemiology of Head and Neck Cancer. Staging of
Head and Neck Cancer. The Changing Face of Cancer Information. Molecular
Biology of Head and Neck Cancer. Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinus
Malignancy. Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. Benign Salivary Gland Tumours.
Malignant Tumours of the Salivary Glands. Tumours of the Parapharyngeal
Space. Oral Cavity Tumours Including the Lip . Oropharyngeal Tumours.
Tumours of the Larynx. Rehabilitation after Total Laryngectomy.
Management of Hypopharyngeal Cancer. Neck Metastases from an Unknown
Primary. Metastatic Neck Disease. Principles and Practice of
Radiotherapy in Head and Neck Cancer. Quality of Life and Survivorship
in Head and Neck Cancer. Palliative Care for Head and Neck Cancer.
Transoral Laser Microsurgery. Transoral Anatomy as Applied to Transoral
Surgery. Chemotherapy in Head and Neck Cancer. Cysts and Tumours of the
Bony Facial Skeleton. Pathology of Head and Neck Malignancies. Open
Conservation Surgery for Laryngeal Cancer. Measures of Treatment
Outcomes. Applications of Robotics in Head and Neck Practice.
Biologically Targeted Agents in Head and Neck Cancer. Prosthetic
Rehabilitation of HN Defects. Multidisciplinary Team Working.
Nutritional Considerations in Head and Neck Cancer. Speech, Voice and
Swallow Rehabilitation after Chemoradiation. Surgical Anatomy of the
Neck. Clinical Examination of the Neck. Imaging of the Neck. Neck
Trauma. Benign Neck Disease. Neck Space Infections. Anatomy and
Embryology of the Mouth and Dentition. Benign Oral and Dental Disease.
Salivary Gland Anatomy. Physiology of the Salivary Glands. Imaging of
the Salivary Glands. Non-Neoplastic Salivary Gland Diseases. Anatomy of
the Pharynx and Oesophagus. Physiology of Swallowing. Causes and
Assessment of Dysphagia and Aspiration. Functional Investigations of the
Upper Gastrointestinal Tract. Pharyngitis. Cricopharyngeal Dysphagia.
Oesophagal Diseases. Neurological Disease of the Pharynx. Rehabilitation
of Swallowing Disorders. Chronic Aspiration. Temporomandibular Joint
Disorders. Anatomy of the Larynx and Tracheobronchial Tree. Physiology
of the Larynx. Voice and Speech Production. Assessment and Examination
of the Larynx. Evaluation of the Voice. Structural Disorders of the
Vocal Chords. Functional Disorders of the Voice. The Professional Voice.
Speech/Voice Therapy for Voice Disorders. Phonosurgery. Movement
Disorders of the Larynx. Acute Infections of the Larynx. Chronic
Laryngitis. Contemporary Management of Laryngotracheal Trauma. Upper
Airway Obstruction and Tracheostomy. Physiology of Sleep and Sleep
Disorders. Obstructive Sleep Apnoea: Medical Management. The Surgical
Management of Snoring. Laryngeal Stenosis in Adults. Reflux Disease.
Paralysis of the Larynx. Outpatient Laryngeal Procedures. Plastic Surgery. Rhinoplasty
Following Nasal Trauma. Pre-Operative Assessment for Rhinoplasty.
External Rhinoplasty. Revision Rhinoplasty. Aesthetic Dorsal Reduction
in Rhinoplasty. Nasal Reconstruction. Pinnaplasty. Blepharoplasty.
Surgical Rejuvenation of the Ageing Face. Non-Surgical Rejuvenation of
the Ageing Face. History of Reconsctructive Surgery. Grafts and Local
Flaps in Head and Neck Surgery. Pedicle Flaps in Head and Neck
Reconstruction. Reconstructive Microsurgery in Head and Neck Surgery.
Benign and Malignant Conditions of the Skin. Facial Reanimation Surgery.
Partial and Total Ear Construction. A Combined Prosthetic and Surgical
Approach to Head and Neck Reconstruction.