Berry & Lieberman: Surgery of the Hip 2e
Section I. Basic Science
1. Biomechanics of the Natural Hip Joint
2. Biomechanics of the Artificial Hip Joint
3. Tribology of the Artificial Hip
4. Materials in Hip Surgery: Polymethylmethacrylate
5. Materials in Hip Surgery: Ultra-High-Molecular-Weight Polyethylene
6. Materials in Hip Surgery: Ceramics
7. Acetabular Fixation
8. Biological Responses to Particle Debris
9. Biological Responses to Metal Debris and Metal Ions
10. Bone Grafts in Hip Surgery
Section II. Anatomy and Operative Approaches
11. Normal Hip Embryology and Development
12. Anatomy of the Hip
13. Exposures of the Acetabulum
14. Direct Anterior Approach Without Special Table for Primary THA
15. Direct Anterior Approach With Special Table for Primary THA
16. Anterolateral Approach for Primary Total Hip Replacement
17. Posterior Approaches to the Hip
18. Trochanteric Osteotomies
19. Extensile Approaches for Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty
20. Minimally Invasive Hip Arthroplasty
Section III. Perioperative Management in Hip Surgery
21. Blood Management
22. Anesthesia for Hip Surgery: Options and Risks
23. Mortality after Total Hip Arthroplasty
24. Perioperative Medical Management of Hip Surgery Patients
25. Perioperative Pain Management
26. Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism in Surgery of the Hip
27. Rehabilitation after Hip Surgery
Section IV. Hip Evaluation, Diagnosis, and Pathology
28. History and Physical Examination of the Hip
29. Imaging of the Hip
30. Osteoarthritis
31. Femoroacetabular Impingement
32. Dysplasia in the Skeletally Mature Patient
33. Osteonecrosis and Bone Marrow Edema Syndrome
34. Synovial Diseases of the Hip
35. Acetabular Rim Damage
36. Hip Joint Infection
37. Soft Tissue Pathology: Bursal, Tendon, and Muscle Diseases
Section V. Pediatric Hip Disorders
38. Hip Dysplasia in the Child and Adolescent
39. Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease
40. Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis
41. Inflammatory Arthritis in the Child and Adolescent
42. Adolescent CAM Impingement, Etiology and Treatment
Section VI. Traumatic Disorders of the Hip
43. Femoral Neck Fracture
44. Intertrochanteric Fractures
45. Subtrochanteric Fractures
46. Acetabular Fracture
47. Hip Dislocation and Femoral Head Fractures
Section VII. Tumors of the Hip
48. Evaluation of Bone Lesions Around the Hip
49. Benign Bone Tumors
50. Primary Malignant Bone Tumors
51. Metastatic Disease Around the Hip
Section VIII. Nonarthroplasty Treatment of Hip Pathology
52. Hip Arthroscopy for Nonstructural Hip Problems
53. Hip Arthroscopy for Structural Hip Problems
54. Open Surgical Dislocation for Structural Hip Problems
55. Pelvic Osteotomies for Hip Dysplasia
56. Femoral Osteotomy
57. Femoral Head Sparing Procedures for Osteonecrosis of the Hip
58. Arthrodesis and Resection Arthroplasty of the Hip
Section IX. Primary Hip Arthroplasty
59. Long-Term Results of Total Hip Arthroplasty
60. Rating Systems and Outcomes of Total Hip Arthroplasty
61. Preoperative Planning and Templating for Primary Hip Arthroplasty
62. Resurfacing Hip Arthroplasty: Evolution, Design, Indications, Techniques, and Results
63. Cemented Acetabular Components
64. Uncemented Acetabular Components
65. Cemented Femoral Components
66. Uncemented Extensively Porous-Coated Femoral Components
67. Uncemented Tapered Femoral Components With Blade-Shaped Parallel Sided Implants
68. Uncemented Tapered Femoral Components with Single/Double/Rounded Tapered Implants
69. Uncemented Short Metaphyseal Femoral Components
70. Highly Cross-Linked Polyethylene Bearings
71. Ceramic-on-Ceramic Bearings
72. Computer Navigation in Hip Arthroplasty and Robotics
73. Femoral Head Diameter and Material
74. Dual Mobility Implants
75. Effect of the Spine on Implant Positioning and Hip Stability in Total Hip Arthroplasty
Section X. Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty in Specific Conditions
76. Hip Dysplasia
77. Previous Acetabular Fracture
78. Previous Proximal Femoral Fracture
79. Proximal Femoral Deformity
80. Metabolic Bone Disease
81. Osteonecrosis of the Hip
82. The Neuromuscular Hip
83. Previous Hip Arthrodesis
84. Protrusio Acetabuli
85. Sickle Cell Disease
86. High Body Mass Index
87. Acute Femoral Neck Fracture
Section XI. Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty
88. Evaluation of the Failed Total Hip Arthroplasty
89. Preoperative Planning and Templating for Revision Hip Arthroplasty
90. Implant Removal in Revision Hip Arthroplasty
91. Osteolysis Around Well-Fixed THA
92. Acetabular Reconstruction: Classification of Bone Defects and Treatment Options
93. Acetabular Revision: Uncemented Hemispherical Components
94. Acetabular Revision: Impaction Bone Grafting
95. Acetabular Revision with Custom Implants
96. Acetabular Revision with Cup/Cage Construct
97. Femoral Revision: Classification of Bone Defects and Treatment Options
98. Cemented Femoral Revision in Total Hip Arthroplasty: A View in the 21st Century
99. Femoral Revision: Impaction Bone Grafting
100. Femoral Revision: Uncemented Extensively Porous-Coated Implants
101. Femoral Revision: Uncemented Implants with Bioactive Coatings
102. Femoral Revision: Uncemented Tapered Fluted Modular Implants
103. Femoral Revision: Allograft Prosthetic Composites and Proximal Femoral Replacement
104. Revision for Metal-on-Metal or Taper Corrosion Failures
Section XII. Complications of Hip Arthroplasty
105. Infection
106. Hip Instability
107. Periprosthetic Fracture: Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment
108. Abductor Muscle and Greater Trochanteric Complications
109. Leg Length Inequality: Prevention/Treatment
110. Neurovascular Injuries: Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment
111. Wound Complications after Total Hip Arthroplasty: Prevention and Treatment
112. Heterotopic Ossification