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Surgical Techniques in Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery: Laryngeal Surgery

SKU: 9789350906521
ISBN: 9789350906521

Ημ. Έκδοσης




Κύριος Συγγραφέας

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Laryngeal Surgery is the first in the series ?Surgical Techniques in Otolaryngology ? Head & Neck Surgery.?Divided into five sections, the book begins with an introduction to the basic principles and procedures of laryngeal surgery. The following chapters discuss surgery for different disorders including benign structural lesions, premalignant and malignant lesions of the larynx, neurogenic voice disorders and laryngeal trauma.

Written by an internationally recognised author and editor team from the USA, led by series editor Robert T Sataloff from Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, this reference features numerous highly illustrated clinical photographs, flow charts and tables.

An interactive DVD ROM of intraoperative photographs and videos of surgical procedures is included to help illustrate the techniques described in the book.

Forthcoming topics in the series include atlases of otologic and neurotological surgery, rhinologic and sinus surgery, facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, pediatric otolaryngologic surgery, and head and neck surgery.

Key points

  • First title in Surgical Techniques in Otolaryngology ? Head & Neck Surgery series covering laryngeal surgery
  • Includes interactive DVD ROM of intraoperative photographs and surgical techniques
  • US author and editor team, led by Robert T Sataloff


Section 1: Basic Principles and Procedures
1. Introduction: The History, Evolution and Development of Phonomicrosurgery 3
2. Patient Selection 5
Patient Selection and Consent 5
Documentation 6
Timing of Voice Surgery 6
3. Anatomy and Physiology of the Voice: A Brief Overview 8
Anatomy of the Voice 8
Physiology of the Voice 12
4. Preoperative Voice Evaluation and Care 16
History 16
Physical Examination 16
Voice Measures 16
Informed Consent, Timing of Voice Surgery and Related Considerations 17
5. Indirect Laryngoscopy 18
Surgical Techniques 19
6. Direct Laryngoscopy 21
7. Anesthesia 25
Local Anesthesia 25
General Anesthesia 26
8. Instrumentation 30
9. Submucosal Infusion and Laryngeal Microsurgery 37

10. Laryngeal Laser Surgery 38
Jean Abitbol, Robert T Sataloff
Characteristics of Lasers Required for Phonomicrosurgery 40
Types of Lasers 40
Limitations of Surgery 43
Phonomicrosurgical Procedures 43
Microlaryngoscopy Procedures 44
Anesthesia Techniques, Risks and Complications 44
Principles of CO2 Laser Phonomicrosurgery 45
Laser Phonomicrosurgical Techniques for Types of Lesions 45
Surgical Classifications 47
Complications of Laser Phonomicrosurgery 48
Surgical Techniques: KTP Laser 49
Surgical Techniques: CO2 Laser 50
11. Voice Cosmesis: The Voice Lift 54
12. Postoperative Voice Care 56
Voice Rest 56
Steroids 56
Antireflux Medications 56
Voice Therapy 56
Individual Considerations 57
Section 2: Benign Structural Lesions
13. Vocal Fold Cysts 61
Surgical Techniques 65
14. Vocal Fold Nodules 71
Vocal Fold Nodules in Children 71
Surgical Techniques 73
15. Vocal Fold Polyps 77
Surgical Techniques 80
16. Varicosities, Ectatic Vessels and Vocal Fold Hemorrhage 86
Surgical Techniques 89

17. Reinke?s Edema 92
Surgical Techniques 94
18. Granulomas and Vocal Process Ulcers 98
Surgical Techniques 99
19. Papilloma 105
Surgical Techniques 107
20. Supraglottoplasty 113
Surgical Techniques 113
21. Vocal Fold Scar 116
Therapy for Vocal Fold Scar 116
Surgery for Vocal Fold Scar 117
Surgical Techniques 119
22. Sulcus Vocalis 127
Pseudosulcus Vocalis and Sulcus Vergeture 127
Treatment of Sulcus Vocalis and Mucosal Bridge 128
23. Laryngeal Webs 130
24. Posterior Glottic Stenosis 135
Joseph R Spiegel, Robert T Sataloff, Farhad Chowdhury, Mary J Hawkshaw
Endolaryngeal Procedures 136
Open Laryngeal Procedures 136
Surgical Techniques 138
25. Subglottic Stenosis 140
Surgical Techniques 141
26. Bowed Vocal Folds and Presbyphonia 149
Bowed Vocal Folds 149
Presbyphonia 149

Section 3: Premalignant and Malignant Lesions of the Larynx
27. Premalignant Lesions of the Larynx 153
Carole M Dean, Robert T Sataloff, Farhad Chowdhury, Mary J Hawkshaw
Terminology 153

Epidemiology and Etiological Factors 155
Malignant Transformation 156
Laryngeal Papillomas 158
Surgical Techniques 160
28. Laryngeal Cancer 165
Timothy D Anderson, Robert T Sataloff, Farhad Chowdhury
Supraglottic Tumors 165
Glottic Tumors 170
Voice and Swallowing Rehabilitation after Total Laryngectomy 178
Subglottic Cancer 179
Surgical Techniques: Endoscopic Resection of Cancer
Involving the True Vocal Fold 179
Section 4: Neurogenic Voice Disorders
29. Vocal Fold Paresis/Paralysis 187
Adam D Rubin, Robert T Sataloff, Farhad Chowdhury
Teflon Injection 187
Gelfoam Injection 188
Collagen, Alloderm and Fascia Injection 188
Autologous Fat Injection 190
Removal of Teflon 192
Surgical Techniques 193
30. Thyroplasty 202
Type I Thyroplasty 202
Revision Thyroplasty 203
Other Types of Thyroplasty 205
Nomenclature 207
Surgical Techniques 207

31. Arytenoid Cartilage Adduction/Rotation, Cricothyroid Subluxation
Arytenoidopexy and Arytenoidectomy 214
Nerve Anastomosis 220
Arytenoidectomy 221xvii
32. Nerve Muscle Pedicle Surgery 223
Other Techniques 223
33. Other Techniques for Bilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis 225
34. Thyroarytenoid Neurectomy 227
Robert T Sataloff

Section 5: Laryngeal Trauma
35. Laryngotracheal Trauma 231
Yolanda D Heman-Ackah, Robert T Sataloff
Blunt Injury 231
Evaluation of the Blunt Trauma Patient without Airway Distress 235
Evaluation of the Blunt Trauma Patient with Airway Distre ss 238
Surgical Evaluation 238
Open Exploration and Repair 239
Penetrating Injuries 243
Caustic and Thermal Injuries 244
Iatrogenic Injuries 244
36. Vocal Process Avulsion 248
Surgical Techniques 248
37. Cricoarytenoid and Cricothyroid Joint Fixation and Injury:
Evaluation and Treatment 251
Cricoarytenoid Joint Injury 251
Embryology and Anatomy 252
Arytenoid Dislocation: Diagnosis 253
Techniques for Surgical Reduction of Arytenoid Dislocation 255
Adjunctive Measures 258
Cricothyroid Joint Injury 261
Index 265