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The EHRA Book of Interventional Electrophysiology

Case-based learning with multiple choice questions

ISBN: 9780198766377

Ημ. Έκδοσης





Κύριος Συγγραφέας

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Case-based learning with multiple choice questions

Διαθέσιμο - Προπαραγγελία|Διαθεσιμότητα: 23-28 ημέρες


The EHRA Book of Interventional Electrophysiology is the second official textbook of European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA). Using clinical cases to encourage practical learning, this book assists electrophysiologists and device specialists in tackling both common and unusual situations that they may encounter during daily practice.

Richly illustrated, and covering electrophysiological procedures for supra-ventricular and ventricular arrhythmias, the book enables specialists to deepen their understanding of complex concepts and techniques. Tracings, covering supra-ventricular and ventricular arrhythmias, are presented with multiple-choice questions to allow readers to hone their skills for interpreting challenging cases and to prepare for the EHRA certification exam in electrophysiology. Cases include Orthodromic AVRT, PV Isolation, VT ablation, and Atypical left atrial flutter to name a few.

The EHRA Book of Interventional Electrophysiology is a wide-ranging, practical case-book, written by leading experts in the field and edited by members of the EHRA education committee: an essential companion for electrophysiologists and trainees alike.



Case 1: Accessory pathway
Case 2: IAP in AVNRT patient
Case 3: Orthodromic AVRT
Case 4: AVB III infra-Hisian
Case 5: Para-Hisian pacing: AP
Case 6: Para-Hisian pacing AVN
Case 7: Para-Hisian pacing fusion
Case 8: Atrial tachycardia
Case 9: Unipolar EGM
Case 10: Orthodromic AVRT/2
Case 11: Orthodromic AVRT/3
Case 12: Orthodromic AVRT/4
Case 13: Mahaim/1
Case 14: Adenosine-sensitive AP
Case 15: Delta-HA in SF AVNRT
Case 16: Delta-HA in SS AVNRT
Case 17: AT/1
Case 18: Bipolar vs unipolar EGM
Case 19: CTI ablation
Case 20: PV isolation/1
Case 21: Mahaim/2
Case 22: Atypical left atrial flutter/1
Case 23: PV isolation/2
Case 24: Activation recovery interval
Case 25: Double fire tachycardia
Case 26: Typical AVNRT/1
Case 27: 2-for-1
Case 28: Atypical AVNRT
Case 29: JR with retrograde block
Case 30: JR after AVNRT
Case 31: PJRT
Case 32: Atypical left atrial flutter/2
Case 33: PV isolation, PVAC
Case 34: PV isolation/3
Case 35: Orthodromic AVRT: atrio-fascicular?
Case 36: Orthodromic AVRT/5
Case 37: Atypical left atrial flutter/3
Case 38: Recruitment of bundle branch conduction by VPB
Case 39: Best ablation electrogram left sided AP ablated via transseptal approach
Case 40: AVNRT common, 2:1 AV response
Case 41: AT/2
Case 42: PV isolation, lasso
Case 43: Far-field SVC potential in RSPV
Case 44: Azygos continuation of interupted SVC
Case 45: Typical AVNRT/2
Case 46: SVT inducing VT
Case 47: VT ablation/1
Case 48: VT ablation/2
Case 49: VT ablation/3
Case 50: Fractionated EGM
Case 51: VT from proximal His-Purkinje system
Case 52: Fascicular VT
Case 53: Mahaim/3
Case 54: VT ablation/4
Case 55: VT ablation/5
Case 56: Fasciculo-ventricular AP
Case 57: Aortic cusp VPB
Case 58: Idiopathic VF ablation
Case 59: VT ablation/6
Case 60: VT ablation/7
Case 61: PV isolation/4
Case 62: Infra-Hisian 2:1 block in SF AVNRT
Case 63: Ablation site slow pathway
Case 64: RA free wall flutter, earliest at SD
Case 65: CW typical flutter
Case 66: VPB ablation
Case 67: A-before-A in AVNRT
Case 68: PV isolation/5
Case 69: PV isolation/6
Case 70: Distinguishing retrograde nodal from AP conduction during VPB
Case 71: AVNRT: SF or SS?
Case 72: PV isolation/7
Case 73: VT ablation/8
Case 74: PV isolation/8
Case 75: BBRVT
Case 76: Slow-fast AVNRT