Preface, Acknowledgments, and Dedication
Foreword to the Second Edition
Frank Netter, MD: A Personal Recollection
Introduction to the First Edition—Part I
Contributors to Second Edition
Contents of Complete Volume 7—Nervous System: Two Part Set
1. Normal and abnormal development
Plate 1.1 Initial specification of the nervous system: The embryo at 18 days
Plate 1.2 Initial formation of the brain and spinal cord: The embryo at 20 to 24 days
Plates 1.3–1.4 Morphogenesis of the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nervous system: The embryo from 28 through 36 days
Plates 1.5–1.6 Defective neural tube formation
Plates 1.7–1.8 Spinal dysraphism
Plate 1.9 Fetal brain growth in the first trimester
Plate 1.10 Craniosynostosis
Plate 1.11 Extracranial hemorrhage and skull fractures in the newborn
Plate 1.12 Intracranial hemorrhage in the newborn
Plate 1.13 External development of the brain in the second and third trimesters
Plate 1.14 Mature brain ventricles
Plate 1.16 Surgical treatment of hydrocephalus
Plate 1.17 Cerebral palsy
Plate 1.18 Establishing cellular diversity in the embryonic brain and spinal cord
Plate 1.19 Generation of neuronal diversity in the spinal cord and hindbrain
Plate 1.20 Circuit formation in the spinal cord
Plates 1.21–1.22 Making peripheral nerves and central tracts
Plate 1.23 Brachial plexus and/or cervical nerve root injuries at birth
Plate 1.24 Morphogenesis and regional differentiation of the forebrain
Plate 1.25 Neurogenesis and cell migration in the developing neocortex
Plate 1.26 Neuronal proliferation and migration disorders
Plate 1.27 Developmental dyslexia
Plate 1.28 Autism spectrum disorder
Plates 1.29–1.30 Rett syndrome
2. Cerebral cortex and neurocognitive disorders
Plates 2.1–2.3 Surfaces of the cerebrum
Plate 2.4 Cerebral cortex: Function and association pathways
Plate 2.5 Major cortical association bundles
Plate 2.6 Corticocortical and subcorticocortical projection circuits
Plate 2.7 Corpus callosum
Plate 2.8 Rhinencephalon and limbic system
Plate 2.12 Forebrain regions associated with hypothalamus
Plate 2.13 Thalamocortical radiations
Plate 2.14 Neuronal structure and synapses
Plate 2.15 Chemical synaptic transmission
Plate 2.16 Summation of excitation and inhibition
Plate 2.17 Types of neurons in cerebral cortex
Plate 2.19 Testing for defects of higher cortical function
Plate 2.20 Memory circuits
Plate 2.22 Dominant hemisphere language dysfunction
Plate 2.23 Nondominant hemisphere higher cortical dysfunction
Plate 2.24 Alzheimer disease: Pathology
Plate 2.25 Alzheimer disease: Distribution of pathology
Plate 2.26 Alzheimer disease: Clinical manifestations, progressive phases
Plate 2.27 Frontotemporal dementia
Plate 2.28 Dementia with lewy bodies
Plate 2.29 Vascular dementia
Plate 2.30 Treatable dementias
Plate 2.31 Normal-pressure hydrocephalus
Plate 3.1 Electroencephalography
Plates 3.2–3.4 Seizures and epilepsy
Plate 3.5 Epilepsy syndromes
Plate 3.6 Neonatal seizures
Plate 3.7 Status epilepticus
Plate 3.8 Causes of seizures
Plates 3.9–3.11 Neurobiology of epilepsy
Plates 3.12–3.13 Treatment of epilepsy
Plate 4.2 Major depressive disorder
Plate 4.3 Postpartum depression
Plates 4.4–4.5 Bipolar disorder
Plate 4.6 Generalized anxiety disorder
Plate 4.7 Social anxiety disorder
Plate 4.9 Posttraumatic stress disorder
Plate 4.10 Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Plate 4.12 Conversion disorder
Plate 4.14 Alcohol use disorder
Plate 4.15 Treatment for alcohol use disorder
Plate 4.16 Alcohol withdrawal
Plates 4.17–4.18 Opioid use disorders
Plate 4.19 Opioid withdrawal
Plate 4.20 Borderline personality disorder
Plate 4.21 Antisocial personality disorder
Plate 4.22 Intimate partner violence
Plate 4.23 Abuse in later life
Plates 4.24–4.25 Delirium and acute personality changes
Plate 4.27 Pediatrics: Depressive disorders
Plate 4.28 Pediatrics: Anxiety disorders
Plate 4.29 Pediatrics: Disruptive behavior disorders
Plate 4.30 Pediatrics: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorders
Plate 4.31 Pediatrics: Eating and feeding disorders
Plates 4.32–4.33 Child abuse
5. Hypothalamus, pituitary, sleep, and thalamus
Plate 5.1 Anatomic relationships of the hypothalamus
Plate 5.2 Development and developmental disorders of the hypothalamus
Plate 5.3 Blood supply of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland
Plates 5.4–5.5 Overview of hypothalamic cell groups
Plate 5.6 Hypothalamic control of the pituitary gland
Plate 5.7 Hypothalamic control of the autonomic nervous system
Plate 5.8 Olfactory inputs to the hypothalamus
Plate 5.9 Visual inputs to the hypothalamus
Plate 5.10 Somatosensory inputs to the hypothalamus
Plate 5.11 Taste and other visceral sensory inputs to the hypothalamus
Plate 5.12 Limbic and cortical inputs to the hypothalamus
Plate 5.13 Overview of hypothalamic function and dysfunction
Plate 5.14 Regulation of water balance
Plate 5.15 Temperature regulation
Plates 5.16–5.17 Fever and the hypothalamic sickness response to systemic inflammation
Plate 5.18 Regulation of food intake, body weight, and metabolism
Plate 5.19 Stress response
Plate 5.20 Hypothalamic regulation of cardiovascular function
Plate 5.21 Hypothalamic regulation of sleep
Plate 5.22 Narcolepsy: A hypothalamic sleep disorder
Plate 5.23 Sleep-disordered breathing
Plate 5.25 Divisions of the pituitary gland and its relationships to the hypothalamus
Plate 5.26 Posterior pituitary gland
Plate 5.27 Anatomic relationships of the pituitary gland
Plate 5.28 Effects of pituitary mass lesions on the visual apparatus
Plate 5.29 Anterior pituitary hormone deficiencies
Plate 5.30 Severe anterior and posterior pituitary hormone deficiencies (panhypopituitarism)
Plate 5.31 Postpartum pituitary infarction (sheehan syndrome)
Plate 5.32 Pituitary apoplexy
Plates 5.33–5.34 Thalamic anatomy and pathology
6. Disorders of consciousness (coma)
Plate 6.2 Disorders of consciousness
Plates 6.3–6.4 Emergency management and assessment and neurologic examination
Plate 6.5 Differential diagnosis of coma
Plate 6.6 Hypoxic-ischemic brain damage
Plate 6.7 Vegetative state, minimally conscious state, and unresponsive wakefulness syndrome
Plate 6.8 Brain death or death by neurologic criteria
Plate 6.9 Ventilatory patterns and the apnea test
7. Basal ganglia and movement disorders
Plates 7.1–7.3 Anatomy of the basal ganglia and related structures
Plates 7.4–7.10 Akinetic-rigid syndrome, parkinsonism, or parkinsonian syndrome
Plates 7.11–7.16 Hyperkinetic movement disorders
Plate 7.17 Wilson disease
Plate 7.18 Psychogenic movement disorders
Plate 7.19 Cerebral palsy
Plate 8.1 Cerebellum and the fourth ventricle
Plate 8.2 Cerebellum gross anatomy
Plate 8.3 Cerebellar peduncles
Plates 8.4–8.5 Cerebellar cortex and nuclei
Plates 8.6–8.7 Cerebellar cortical and corticonuclear circuitry
Plates 8.8–8.9 Cerebellum subdivisions and afferent pathways
Plate 8.10 Cerebellar efferent pathways
Plate 8.11 Cerebellovestibular pathways
Plate 8.12 Cerebellum modular organization
Plate 8.13 Cerebrocerebellar connections
Plate 8.14 Cerebellar motor examination
Plate 8.15 Cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome
Plate 8.16 Cerebellar disorders: Differential diagnosis
Plates 8.17–8.18 Gait disorders: Differential diagnosis
Plates 8.19–8.20 Friedreich ataxia
9. Cerebrovascular circulation and stroke
Plates 9.1–9.6 Arterial supply to the brain and meninges
Plates 9.7–9.8 Types of stroke
Plates 9.9–9.10 Clinical evaluation and treatment of stroke
Plate 9.11 Uncommon etiologic mechanisms of stroke
Plates 9.12–9.19 Anterior circulation ischemia
Plates 9.20–9.25 Vertebral basilar system disorders
Plates 9.26–9.27 Brain emboli
Plates 9.28–9.29 Lacunar stroke
Plate 9.30 Hypertensive encephalopathy
Plates 9.32–9.34 Coagulopathies
Plates 9.35–9.37 Venous sinus thrombosis
Plates 9.38–9.40 Intracerebral hemorrhage
Plates 9.41–9.45 Intracranial aneurysms and subarachnoid hemorrhage
Plate 9.46 Pediatric cerebrovascular disease
Plate 9.47 Introduction and initial stroke rehabilitation
Plate 9.48 Aphasia rehabilitation
Plate 9.49 Other rehabilitative issues: Gait training, upper limb dysfunction, locked-in syndrome
Plate 9.50 Other rehabilitative issues: Dysphagia
10. Multiple sclerosis and other central nervous system autoimmune disorders
Plate 10.1 Multiple sclerosis: Overview
Plate 10.2 Multiple sclerosis: Clinical manifestations
Plates 10.3–10.5 Multiple sclerosis: Diagnosis
Plates 10.6–10.7 Multiple sclerosis: Pathophysiology
Plates 10.8–10.11 Multiple sclerosis: Relapses
Plate 10.12 Enigma of progressive multiple sclerosis
Plate 10.13 Multiple sclerosis: Pathology
Plate 10.14 Multiple sclerosis: Treatment
Plates 10.15–10.16 Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder, mogad, and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
Plate 10.17 Introduction to autoimmune neurologic syndromes
Plate 10.18 Stiff person syndrome spectrum disorder
Plates 10.19–10.20 Autoimmune and paraneoplastic neurologic syndromes
Plates 10.21–10.22 Autoimmune neurologic syndromes: Central and peripheral nervous system manifestations
11. Infections of the nervous system
Plates 11.1–11.2 Bacterial meningitis
Plate 11.4 Parameningeal infections
Plates 11.5–11.6 Infections in the immunocompromised host
Plate 11.7 Neurocysticercosis
Plate 11.8 Spirochetal infections: Neurosyphilis
Plate 11.9 Spirochetal infections: Lyme disease
Plate 11.10 Tuberculosis of brain and spine
Plate 11.12 Aseptic meningitis and select arthropod-borne virus infections
Plates 11.13–11.14 Human immunodeficiency virus
Plate 11.15 Poliomyelitis
Plate 11.16 Acute flaccid paralysis
Plate 11.17 Herpes zoster
Plate 11.18 Herpes simplex virus encephalitis and rabies
Plate 11.19 Parasitic infections: Cerebral malaria and african trypanosomiasis
Plate 11.20 Parasitic infections: Trichinosis (trichinellosis)
Plate 11.21 Parasitic infections: Cryptococcal meningitis
Plate 11.22 Creutzfeldt-jakob disease
Plate 11.23 Neurosarcoidosis
Plate 11.24 Neurologic complications of COVID-19
Plate 12.1 Clinical presentations of brain tumors
Plate 12.2 2021 WHO changes to classification of central nervous system tumors
Plates 12.5–12.6 Pediatric brain tumors
Plate 12.8 Metastatic tumors to brain
Plates 12.9–12.10 Meningiomas
Plates 12.11–12.13 Pituitary tumors and craniopharyngiomas
Plate 12.14 Tumors of pineal region
Plates 12.15–12.16 Vestibular schwannomas
Plate 12.17 Intraventricular tumors
Plate 12.19 Differential diagnosis of central nervous system tumors
Plates 12.20–12.21 Spinal tumors
Plate 12.22 Treatment modalities
Plate 13.1 Overview of headaches
Plate 13.2 Migraine pathophysiology
Plate 13.3 Migraine presentation
Plate 13.5 Migraine management
Plates 13.6–13.7 Trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias
Plate 13.8 Tension-type headache and other benign episodic and chronic headaches
Plate 13.9 Pediatric headache
Plate 13.10 Cranial neuralgias: Trigeminal neuralgia
Plate 13.11 Other cranial neuralgias
Plate 13.12 Idiopathic intracranial hypertension
Plate 13.13 Intracranial hypotension/low CSF pressure headache
Plate 13.14 Giant cell arteritis
Plate 13.15 Contiguous structure headaches
Plates 13.16–13.19 Thunderclap headache and other headache presenting in the emergency department
Plates 14.1–14.2 Skull: Anterior and lateral aspects
Plate 14.3 Skull: Midsagittal section
Plate 14.5 External aspect of skull base
Plates 14.6–14.7 Bones, markings, and orifices of skull base
Plate 14.8 Skull injuries
Plate 14.10 Acute epidural hematoma
Plate 14.11 Acute subdural hematoma
Plate 14.12 CT scans and magnetic resonance images of intracranial hematomas
Plate 14.13 Vascular injury
Plate 14.14 Glasgow coma scale score
Plate 14.15 Initial assessment and management of head injury
Plates 14.16–14.17 Neurocritical care and management after traumatic brain injury