This fascinating book brings together a multidisciplinary team of authors from a variety of backgrounds and lived experience who offer insight into the historical roots and current reasons for the hybrid natural and social scientific conceptual platform of psychiatry. The role of values in the development and recovery from mental illness are covered as well as progressive developments, outlining a novel research methodology. Demonstrating the importance of the integration of each main dimension of psychiatry (such as biological, psychological, social, and existential), the book includes values in theory and research in working out the epistemological foundations of psychiatry as an academic discipline and in clinical practice. Covering the major directions from which the subject of mental ill health has been approached (neurobiology, psychoanalysis and the psychotherapies), the common conditions and the controversies surrounding them are explored. Highly relevant to academics, clinicians and students in psychiatry, psychology, primary and social care.
- Historical analysis of the origins of psychiatry and its social context demonstrates and explains the origin and causes of the hybrid natural and social scientific nature of psychiatry both at theoretical and clinical level and the role of values in applying scientific understanding in clinical practice
- Featuring chapters on both theory and practice in psychiatry written by a team with a variety of professional backgrounds and lived experience of mental illness
- The use of three clinical conditions, as examples, and providing methodological guidance on how to work with values in clinical practice (i.e., clinical value mapping) improves clinicians’ awareness and knowledge about values and their ability to reason and communicate about values, including in common and challenging clinical situations